Mason Ending!

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   "Alright gang." Mason turned to the camera man, me, with a smile. I mirrored it from behind the lens but shooed him to keep going.

   "Continue dumbass." I mouthed.

    "We're going to- we're going to fucking win this game!" He said confidently, striding over to a water gun race. He sat down on the twisty red stool and motioned for me to sit down next to him.

  "What?" I mouthed again, before shaking my head violently no.

  "Y/N, you're apart of the group too. I'm sick of hiding you away, come play the game." Mason sighed, tapping the seat again.

   "Okay." I beamed, excitingly grabbing the green water gun and setting the camera up to face us. The women running the booth counted down from three and we started firing streams of water at the target.

    It was a rough battle, with us both neck and neck. The colored pillars above our targets slowly rose. I looked over at him, and saw him completely focused.

    I made a quick whistle noise to get him to look at me, before winking and sticking out my tongue. He immeadity stopped holding down on the trigger out of surprise and I quickly overtook him.

    "You cheating bitch." He said jokingly under his breath.

    "I play the game by my rules." I whispered back. My pillar dinged in victory and the women came out to congratulate me and hand me a small green plushie in the shape of a dragon.

    I hugged it to my chest before tossing it to a surprised Mason, who barely caught it. He looked at me in confusion as I picked up my camera again.

    "I saw you eyeing it." I explained, and he grinned at me. We continued the filming until we decided to was too cold to keep going.

    Mason and I then walked back to the car, laughing and talking. The rest of the Misfits had already made it to the van, but we took our time, walking at a leisurely pace.

    "You didn't have to give me this plushie you know. The fans will like you anyway." He said, staring at the scenic backdrop.

    "I didn't give you the plushie for the fans, I gave you it because I wanted to." I responded.

    He looked at me with an expression of gratitude, "Really?"

    "Yeah dummy." I giggled. He placed his hand under my chin and leaned my face up to match his eyes before giving me a quick kiss.

     "Sorry." He said immediately.

    "Don't be sorry, it was cute." I smiled.

    To my surprise he placed the plush on the ground before grabbing my right arm and spinning me around and facing me towards him, taking both of my arms and staring at me. I blushed and he grinned.

    "Damn." I muttered.

    "Mind your fucking language." He looked at me coyly.

    "Back to your old self I see." I tightened my grip on his hands.


    "I think I might love you."

    "I think I might feel the same." He laughed, pulled back and grabbing my hand, leading me to the van.

Time Skip Thirty Minutes

    I rested on the large mattress, sat at an incline against Mason. His arms wrapped around me and I sat between his bent legs. Reaching my arms backwards I placed my hands around the back of his neck.

    "Fucking hell your hands are cold." He reacted.

    I giggled and pulled my hands away, "Sorry."

    "It's fine, you know I'm not mad." I could almost hear his eye roll.

    "Shut the fuck up." Swagger yelled back towards us.

    "Shut up!" We yelled in unison.

    "This is a living nightmare." Fitz laughed, "I can't wait to have the chaos couple living in the same house as us."

    "Hmm living with chaotic people you can't stand, where have I heard that before." I joked.

    "Oi shut up." Mason rested his chin on the top of my head.

    "Living with you was the best decision I ever made." I said quietly, but him squeezing his arms around me told me he heard.

     I love you, dumbass.

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