Colors and Sounds

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    "Okay guys, let's take a smoke break. Or just a break for you losers." Swagger made a circular hand movement, and everyone dispersed to their respective Smoking-Allowed areas.

     John wandered off towards some of the carnival festivities, but not before looking at me. We made eye contact and gave a half hearted smile, the glimmering gala lights highlighting the gloss of subtle tears in his blueish eyes.

      I felt my mouth dry as he looked at me so innocently, a look that appeared as nothing but a quick glance to onlookers, but one that I could see as one of the purest forms of pain. The lines of heartbreak etched his skin, leaving faint signs of mental wounds in the way he carried himself, the wrinkles of his skin, each strand of hair.

      But before I could say anything, he was gone. He turned away and I faced the back of his sweater. I felt my water in my eyes bubble, and suddenly tears started to fall down my cheeks which were instantly cooled by the icy night's wind.

       I crumbled to the ground, burying my head in my hands, hearing the muffled sound of children, noises of celebration and the choked sobs emitting from my throat.

      "Y/N?" I heard a voice say. It sounded masculine, tinged with concern and care. I looked up to see Fitz's face through a blur of tears.

       "Hey." I responded, my voice cracking. I gave a tired wave, and he took my hand and pulled me to my feet. I at first tried to retract my hand, not wanting a repeat of what happened with John, but his grip was strong.

       "I'm not going to kiss you." He said reassuringly, "You don't need to tell me what's going on, just let me comfort you."

        I let out a small cry and hugged him. His grey hoodie surrounded me, but it didn't feel suffocating, it felt like a warm bath after a long, cold, tired day. He grabbed me tightly and I willing pushed herself against his chest, sobbing into his now tear stained hoodie. My hands wrapped around his neck and back, as if he would slip away between my fingers. Pressing my face into the crevice of his neck, I soaked up his warmth.

          "Thank you." I murmured. I felt him nod against me.

          "C'mon, let's go." He said pulling back and placing a hand firming on my shoulder. He started to walk forward and I sheepishly followed, taking his hand and allowing him to guide me. He pulled me to the edge of the carnival, where the lights and sounds were faintly in the background.

          I sat down and starred at the black night sky, and he placed a hand around me. For that moment, there was nothing. All that existed was the icy fresh air burning my nose, the cement underneath me, and Fitz's arm wrapped tightly around my shoulder.

(A/N: There's going to be a few more of these mini chapters, but I promise they're all building to a big conclusion. Hint hint, the reader might be able to control who they end up with, or if they want to pull the ultimate reverse harem.)

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