My Suffering Continues

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     "I don't want to be here." I grumbled under my breath, making sure the camera mic didn't pick it up.

     "I heard that!" Fitz yelled from the front seat. I readjusted my hold on the camera and rolled my eyes, "Hey! I heard you roll your eyes!"

     "No you didn't!" I yelled back.

     "Yes I did! Eye rolling instinct!"

     "Every day in this house is a nightmare." I sighed and slid down the car seat. Today was filming day, and Fitz, Swagger, Zuckles (Mason), Kryoz (John), Smii7y, and I were set to go to a restaurant. I wasn't entirely sure if this was a for a video or a ploy to get me to wear a fancy outfit and go to a nice joint.

      "Do Smit and John know about this harem thing?" Mason asked from the very back seat. He sat in the seven person car in the last compartment, laying horizontally with his feet against the window.

       "We'll tell them when we get there." Swagger responded from the passengers seat.

       "Please don't." I complained, "By the way, I don't think I can use this footage if you're talking about a harem."

        "I'll make sure you extra can't use this footage." Mason said before screaming brand names.

       "That only works on broadcast TV! Stop!" I turned around in my seat.

       "John can be like- the rebellious sweetheart!" Fitz grinned.

       "Life is pain." I groveled.

---one car ride later---

       "Hey Smitters! Nice to see you man" Smii7y and I clasped hands.

       "Hey Y/N, what's crackalacking dude?" John gave me a bro-hug.

       "Nothing much man, you?" I held my camera out of range so it didn't get bumped. My past pile of dented and scratched camcorders haunted my dreams.

        "Y/N-chan!" Mason said playfully.

        "Wha-" Smii7y stared at Mason.

        "I hate my life. I'm starting to film so you shut the fuck up." I went to press the button, but Swagger grabbed my hand and stopped me.

         "First, we're making Y/N a harem protagonist, because she's a girl." Swagger shook my shoulder.

          "I long for death." I muttered, keeping my hands steady.

          "Can I be the rebellious sweetheart?" John asked, his eyes wide.

          "That's what I said!" Fitz clapped. I started recording and flashed them a glare.

          Finally, they started being professional. Or, as professional as they could get. They had light banter, a few jokes that make me hold in my laughter in the form of a tight-lipped smile, and a general good mood.

          "You guys enjoying your food?" I said to them, pointing to their ignored dishes.

          "If you speak the fans will know you're a girl. We need you to stay our harem protagonist!" Mason turned towards.

          "Oh fuck you." I groaned, taking Mason's plate out from under him. He tried to yank it back, and we had a quick tug of war before he let me have it.

          "I hope your pillow is warm." He sneered. I took a bite and smirked at him, squinting my eyes.

          "Stop flirting." Smii7y cupped his hands like a shitty microphone.

          "He's said himself that he wants to be the 'big brother like friend who's afraid he'll always be seen as the friend'. So I only see him as a friend." I laughed, taking another bite.

          "You guys already have roles?" Fitz asked.

          "Swag's the childhood best friend, Mason's the 'brother to me', John's the rebellious sweetheart, Smitter's can be-"

          "-not a part of this." He interrupted.

          "Thank you. Fitz, uh we can make you the airhead!" I said excitedly.

          "Thanks." He responded sarcastically.

          "Racc is definitely the tsundere!" Mason offered.

          "The what the fuck?" Swagger stopped eating.

           "It's not like I like you or anything baka!" John demonstrated.

           "Ah." Swagger nodded and continued eating.

           "You do realize I have to cut this whole conversation right?" I waved the camera.

           "Can we have a yandere? Stabby." Smii7y added the last part as a result to Swagger's confused expression.

           "No we cannot. I'm cutting all of this." I sighed. Mason's food was incredibly good, and he stared angrily at me. In response I made yummy-eating-noises. A few mmmm's did the trick.

           "Bitch." He mouthed silently.

           "Fuck you." I mouthed back.

           "Stop flirting!" Smii7y cupped his hands again.

(A/N: Hey cuties, my friend @Roni-the-2d-simp just followed me. Little nervous ngl, but give her some love. Also, sorry for the dialog heavy chapters, I've been trying to tone them down more)

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