An Excuse For Me To Write Roller-coaster Facts

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     I was in a very good mood. Mason unlocked me from my fears and I emerged from my cocoon as a beautiful confident butterfly.

     "Swags. Swags. Swags." I poked Swagger repeatedly.

     "Wassup?" He asked, turning around to face me.

      "Can we ride that?" I pointed towards a looming wooden roller-coaster. It was a dark red with a huge buildup and a larger drop. The whole thing looked like a joyride made by someone on crack cocaine, and I couldn't explain how much I loved it.

        "Please?" Jay piped in hearing our conversation.

        "Fine. But we're not allowed to use cameras, so someone has to stay behind and guard them." He sighed, trying to communicate underneath his helmet. I did a small jump from excitement, and grinned.

         "I'll take them, never was a huge fan of roller-coasters." Toby volunteered, automatically raising her hand as she stepped forward.

          "Alright nerd." Racc said playfully, grabbing my camera and handing it to her.

          "I swear to fuck if you people keep taking my recorder-" I complained.


         "We've been here for twenty minutes." Matt talked to his phone, panning back to the rest of the group.

          "You're telling me you're not super eager to go on this?" Smii7y butted in.

          "Yeah, but it's midnight and we're spending our time here." Racc leaned against the curved walls of the waiting area. I rolled my eyes at him, careful to stay out of camera range.

           Quietly I mouthed, "Loser."


           Finally, we got to the front of the line. Sitting in front of us was a large carriage, with around five cars. The view was breath taking, if not terrifying. I felt butterflies make their rounds in my stomach as I was reminded of my mild fear of heights.

            Everyone started to load in, by order of who was first in line. Swagger and Jay entered the first car, Matt and Mason the second, Smii7y and John the third, Fitz and his tall ass took the fourth seat, leaving me and Racc the last seats.

            I sat down, and tried to adjust myself to even a mildly comfortable position on the hard seats. As the thick white bar was lowered down, I felt it push against my stomach, reawakening my nervous butterflies.

            Involuntarily, I let out a fearful gasp. I felt like I was contracting, my throat was suddenly very dry.

            "Hey," Racc noticed me and turned to face me, looking me deep in the eyes, "Remember, if it wasn't safe, they wouldn't give us so little seat belts. I mean, look at that 'Drop Of Doom', see all the restrictions on that? The over the shoulder cushioned and fastened seat belts? All we have is one lousy bar, shows you how safe you'll be."

             "You're horrible at phrasing." I laughed slightly, gripping the bar. He shrugged and the ride jerked to a start. It started relatively normal, with a small drop starting the momentum. But soon we reached the worst part, the climb.

              The coaster made a sickening click noise as it started ascending, and I grabbed the bar as tightly as I could as I felt my body press into the back seat. A frog formed in my throat.

               "Those click noises are just for effect, they don't have anything to do with the safety of the ride." Racc reassured me, to which I gave a silent and tense nod.

                Finally we reached the top, I couldn't help but look above the park. It was horrifying, but almost beautiful in its terror. The world below was a mess of lights, large signs, and groups of people. My body clenched as I looked down at the Earth, a mix of awe and fear.

               I turned to Racc and croaked out, "I'm scared."

               He gave a weak smile, "Didn't know you were a fucking pussy."

               The cars accelerated forward, I heard the screams of my friends as their carriages descended before me, I looked towards Racc a split second before we joined them and leaned towards him with a grin.

            He closed the gap with his lips and the car plummeted downwards. We were broken up by the force of the wind, but I made eye contact with him as we flew down. His hair danced in the breeze, and I wasn't sure if it was the cold rush of air on my cheeks or the previous experience that could be held accountable for the reason I was blushing.

            We rode the coaster, and I let out an excited, "Woop!", lifting my arms in the arm while beaming, contrary to Racc's scared grip on the bar.

             When the ride finally came to a close, I looked at him, his hair frazzled and insane, a flustered look of excitement on his face. I mirrored his expression and let out a laugh as I got out of the car.

(A/N: This wasn't meant to be so much longer, sorry. Also, this is where our funky town shenanigans start! To summarize, after one more chapter YOU WILL GET TO CHOSE YOUR ENDING!! That's right! I will write a bunch of separate chapters, all depicting different endings depending on who you choose, and IF you choose! Keep on the lookout!)

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