The Duffel Kerfuffle

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      "C'mon!" Mason threw a duffel bag at me. I caught it and was knocked back a few feet in the process. Stumbling backwards, I zipped the bag open.

      "Clothes?" I asked, ruffling through it.

      "We're going to this festival!" He grinned.

       "Clothes?" I repeated.

       "It's a eight hour drive!" He exclaimed ducking out of the room. I grimaced, and looked through what they had packed me. Respect where it's due, they had a decent fashion sense. I mean, for a group of guys who wore pretty much exclusively sweatshirts and designer, it was nice. Then I noted a small folded note, written with pencil on collage-ruled paper.

         "You're welcome for the fits -John" I smiled, the outfits made more sense. I vowed to buy him ice cream sometime on the road for this kindness. My phone started to violently vibrate in my pocket, and I pulled it out and began to try to desperately keep up with the chats.

          Swagger: Everyone ready?

          Mason: just gave y/n her clothes

          Me: Where am I sleeping??

          Fitz: Ryan's getting us one of those travel cars, it should have beds

          Matt: numero of beds?

          Jay: Just checked, four

          Me: You guys can cuddle. Dibs a bed on my own.

          Racc: i can sleep in a seat just let me lean it back

          Toby: we should have figured this out before

          Fitz: No shit Sherlock. Everyone have their gear?

          John: y/n did you like my outfits

          Me: It was much appreciated, let's go.

         I ran frantically through my room, tossing together anything I deemed important. Scooping my makeup with one arm, I threw it into a small backpack. I put some snacks in, though I assumed Ryan would have them stocked.

          Dashing down the stairs, duffel bag in one hand, wearing a backpack, and holding a camera in the other I stumbled upon the rest of the Misfits.

          "Grab this!" I extended the bag, Matt grabbed it with a gasp and I scampered up the stairs again to grab sound recording equipment as well as a laptop.

          "It's only eight hours!" Swagger yelled up the stairs.

          "Eight hours!" I yelled back.

          Finally I was all set, and I as I stepped outside I was greeted by what Ryan had rented us. It was large and a dark grey color with a scratch mark stretching right above the front right tire. It had eight windows total, and all except the front and back ones tinted black. After a few oo's and ah's we stepped inside.

         The driver's and passenger's seat were a pale grey and slightly stained. Behind that, there were six seats each about a foot and a half apart. They mimicked the stained nature and grey color. Nearest to the back there was a large mattress and a folded bed sheet on top. A ladder stretched up at the foot of the bed leading to a tiny compartment with a pillow and blanket. Across from the high bed, were two more.

The Misfits Editor is a Harem ProtagHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin