Racc Ending!

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(A/N: Woooo! I finished all the parts, so here you go! Read one ending or read them all!)

   The air had turned icy, and my cheeks burned from the cold. From the looks of it, everyone else was dealing with the same thing. We stood in a circle, all moving and complaining about the weather in quick comments and shivers.

    "Fucking icy." I grimaced.

    "Go get your coat dumbass." Fitz quipped from inside a large fur-lined jacket.

     "Do you want to walk all the way back to the car?" I scoffed, chattering my teeth.

      "You know what, fuck it. I need a jacket too, Y/N come with me." Racc smiled and grabbed my hand. I felt the warmth of his palm surrounding my hand and the flames of heat licking up my arm.

     "We have to go fast." I said, narrowing my eyes.

      "Let's go!" He yelled, a laugh in his voice as he yanked my arm. I giggled and followed him as we sprinted through the park. The wind blew against my face as I ran, but my persistent smile kept me warm.

     "Child!" I warned, noticing a four year old in front of us. I pulled him as hard as I could to the right, just out of the way. Almost immeadity, I tripped and he tripped over me.

      We lay on the frozen wood of the festival, the world around us a mess of lights. We lay on our backs, laughing and staring at the sky.

     "I've never felt this way." Racc said breathlessly.

     "Felt what way?" I responded, blowing a cloud of my breath into the cold air.

      "Felt in love with someone like this." He looked turned over and looked at me, and the world froze. Our eyes met and the world fell away. I felt my throat close up as all I could focus on was him.

      "Yeah. Me neither." I broke the silence and grinned, in response he burst into a laugh and stood up brushing off the dirt from his knees.

      He extended his hand towards me and I grabbed it, pulling myself up. But he pulled harder than I planned, and I was launched forward, only to be grabbed and held in a dip by him. Racc looked down at me with a smirk, and leaned down and kissed me.

       "This kiss will be better than last time." I muttered.

      "I would hope so." He giggled, closing the gap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled into the kiss. After a few seconds I pulled back.

     "We're not doing some pda bullshit." I playfully pushed his head away and stood myself up.

     "Damn." He complained dramatically, "Might as well get our jackets."

      "Fuck, the jackets!" I snickered, racing off towards the car and motioning him to follow me. We ran through the park, dodging trash cans and yelling playful insults to eachother.

      Finally, we stopped at the van, completely out of breath. Panting, I pulled out the keys. Opening the door, I sighed in relief as I stepped into the warm car. Collapsing onto the mattress, Racc followed and sat next to me.

     "I feel like I'm dying." He chuckled, fanning himself.

      "How am I both hot and cold at the same time?" I responded, sitting in a criss cross position. Racc nodded in agreement and we sat in silence for a minute.

      "If I kissed you right now would you be mad?" He looked at me with an expression of amusement.

     "No, I don't think I would be." I replied, mirroring his expression.

      "Good." He grinned before leaning in, I melted into the kiss and ran a hand through his hair. When we pulled back, I was basically on his lap.

      "You guys done?" An unfamiliar voice said, we looked up to see the entire Misfits group in the doorway looking up at us. Smii7y gave me a shit eating grin. I flipped him off and slid off Racc's lap.

      "It was so cold, we decided to meet you back at the car." Matt sat across from us.

      "Bitch." Racc sneered. Mason sneered at him in return. I giggled and fell backwards on the bed, staring at the ceiling as I heard them all talk. Looking up, I made eye contact with Racc, and he gave me a wink before we lurched forward due to the car suddenly starting.

     "Learn to drive you asshole!" I yelled as everyone else in the car laughed and continued to chat.

      As the world around me faded into blackness as I fell asleep, I had one thought, "Maybe moving in was the right choice."

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