Still no Cecelia.

Fuck this is it. I'm never going to see her again, am I?

I quickly breathed in and out, holding back my tears, as I tried to calm myself down when a loud knock from my door, "It's time Harry!" Mitch called out before knocking again.

"I'm coming," I answered back, cursing myself when my voice cracked a tiny bit.

Get your shit together you fucking loser. If it's meant to be, she'll be standing on the opposite side of this door.

I looked over into the mirror before, heading out the door. Time put on that fake smile for the world, for hopefully the last time.

I opened the door, hearing and physically feeling my heart break down the center when I came to stand in the middle of a very empty hallway. I look both ways down the hall before I throw my head back, blinking away the tears, "You can do this, Harry," I whisper to myself as I walk towards everyone who were all huddled in the usual pre show circle.

"Ah there's our star!" Rob Stringer smiled as he patted my back.

"Hey Rob," I smiled weakly, shaking his hand.

"Are you ready for the last show? The fans are going absolutely crazy out there," he smiled, elated at the fact that the fans seem to be more happy to be here than me.

"Pretty good," I reply, easily lying through my teeth.

"Okay circle time everyone!" Jeff called out.

I walk over to Jeff, my eyes searching his face for any sign that Cecelia was here. I felt the pit in my stomach become hollow when he sadly smiled and shook his head as he mouth 'I'm sorry Harry'

I inhaled an uneven breath as I stiffly shook my head as I bowed my hand grabbing Sarah and Mitch's hands in the circle. They were really happy when they found out that I had flown out to see Cecelia in Paris. I also knew they were talking to Cecelia since Paris but just haven't told me anything. I don't know if that's either a good thing or a bad thing.

"Okay Harry we're just going to capture a quick clip of you walking over to the stage, can you just stand over there with Rob," Jeff instructed.

I sighed, turning on the charm as the red light on the camera flashed.

I walked up the stairs to the stage, taking in the sound of the extremely loud cheers that echoed through the Forum

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I walked up the stairs to the stage, taking in the sound of the extremely loud cheers that echoed through the Forum. The final show.

The familiar chords of Golden began as the screaming became louder when I stood on the top of the top little stage before climbing down and waving at everyone. I danced over to the mic glancing over at Mitch who sent me a smirk. I held back a confused frown as I began singing.

"Golden, golden, golden. As I open my eyes," I sing, my eyes glancing over the front row sending them a smile.

"Hold it, focus, hoping. Take me back to the light," my voice echoes as I quickly close them as I feel the vibration of the drums and bass in my chest.

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