Brownie Baking 🍫

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You and Bokuto were hanging out at your house, just watching movies and chillin on the couch. Then Bo got an idea.

"Baby owl... can we bake brownies?", looking at you like this: 🥺
"Of course, come on", you stand up from the couch, but then was swiftly lifted off your feet by Bo.
He held you bridal style, walking to the kitchen, saying, "No walking today.... you just sit back and watch me bake for us".
"What was the point of asking me to bake brownies with you if you were just going to do it yourself?", you say a lil annoyed, but confused at the same time.
"Cause I want you to be with me every second", lightly placing you down on the counter.
"Fine, I guess I'll stay and watch",you say, playfully rolling your eyes.

He starts to pull out the bowl and pans, along with the brownie mix box and ingredients. Placing the materials on the counter, right next to you. He preheats the oven and then starts to mix the ingredients in the bowls. The whole time, you guys were giving each other cute and playful looks. Eventually, you guys started a "follow the leader" game, where Bo would make a weird face and you would copy. First making his eyebrows go up and you mimicking it, him sticking his tongue out and you following, until you both heard the oven beep, reminding y'all that the brownies are ready to go in.

As he poured the mix into the pan and placed it in the oven, all you could think of was how comfortable you and Bo were with each other. Even in complete silence, it would never be awkward, all you guys needed was to to be there.... with each other. This making a small smile form across your face.

"What are you smiling about?", as he moves in between your legs, placing his hands on the sides of your body, onto the counter.
"Oh nothing... just how much I love you", you say, giving him a peck on the cheek.
"Well I love you more", he says, giving you a peck on the cheek in return.
"NOOO WAYYY..... I definitely love you more", yelling this as confident as ever.
"That's a total lie... I do", he says moving in closer to your face, with only two inches of space.
"I beg to differ", you say, grabbing the spoon from the mixing bowl and wiping the leftover chocolate mix onto his nose. You then lick the chocolate off of his nose and he looks at you in shock. He then grabs the spoon from your hand and wipes it across your lips and crashes his lips onto yours, licking and sucking the sweet chocolate off your lips. You sat there frozen like: 🧍🏾‍♀️, but then finally woke up from spacing out and kissed him back. "See, I love you more", he says, looking deep into your brown eyes.


You guys sat in silence for a couple of minutes, you still replaying in your mind what just happened. *Beeeep*, the sound waking you up from your trance. Bokuto then takes out the brownies and places them on top of the stove.

"Can I get a big piece?", you say, while Bo picks up the knife to cut slices. "I don't know cuz last time, your mom told me that you need to cut down on sweets", he says while rubbing the back of his neck.
"Come on...pleaseeee babe", you say looking like this: 🥺👉🏽👈🏽.
"You know I can't say no to you", he says, shaking his head while cutting your piece.

"Don't fall for her tricks, Bo", your mother says, walking into the kitchen.
"Hey Ma, didn't hear you come in", you said as she walked past you guys and towards the fridge to grab her orange fanta.
"I was trying to resist 'Ms. L/N'.... it's just that she's hard to resist", he says with a defeated look.
"It's okay Bo, just don't let her eat too much.... I'm watching you", she says while motioning her fingers from her eyes to your eyes and walking back to her bedroom.
" Welp.... you heard her babe", he says, shrugging his shoulders.
"Uggggh fine", you say, rolling your eyes.


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Thanks for reading my second chapter 💕💕 Enjoy the rest

Bokuto Oneshots 🦋 (Bokuto x Black Fem Y/N)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang