Pob's face hardened especially when he saw the marks all over Mew's body.

'Aw..what are you doing here?' Mew said flatly back hugging Gulf and planting a wet kiss at the latter's neck..Gulf stifle a moan..It made Pob infuriated and explode...

'What the fuck do you think you're doing huh?!' He yelled forcing himself inside...The two just let him be..

'Kissing my fiancés neck?' Mew answered in a 'duh' manner..Pob is huffing and his face is turning red in anger..

'You can't do that to him!-

'And why not?' Mew said securing Gulf behind him when Pob tried to touch him..

'I can do whatever I want to him because he is mine..and MINE alone...

Pob is glaring at him..

..what? You are still in your plan on trying to RAPE my man like before?' Mew said emphasizing the word rape to provoke him..

Pob stiffened a little and glance at Gulf behind Mew..He saw hatred and disgust in Gulf's eyes..He tried to compose himself..

'Gulf~ you know I didn't mean it before...I was just jealous because you are always being sweet with him!..It pushed me to do that.' Pob said justifying his previous actions..Mew laugh at him while Gulf went to punch him..It made Mew laugh more..

'You are crazy!!! Instead of regretting what you did before,you are putting the blame on me??! And why the hell I will make you jealous..you are not my boyfriend!! It's normal if I am sweet with Mew because he is my boyfriend..You hear me?! HE IS MY BOYFRIEND...MY FIANCÉ NOW..AND HE IS THE ONLY ONE THAT I WILL LOVE!!' Gulf screamed...

Pob lost his shit more and grabbed Gulf's arm..Mew quickly removed his hold and hardly pushed Pob.

'You fucking shit..How dare you touch him!?!' Mew yelled..

'This is all your fault..You need to die!!' Pob screamed and launched at Mew..
He throw a punch on him but Mew dodged it and punched him instead..Pob recovers and charge towards him again..he tackled Mew and they are throwing punches..Gulf cursed..his blood boils when he saw the cut in Mew's lips..He was about to charge toward Pob when suddenly unknown men entered and pulled Pob away from Mew harshly..

'What the fuck who are you?' He screamed..Mew went to Gulf to keep him safe from the intruders...Then two familiar faces entered..


They said in unison..their fathers smiled at them before turning back to Pob...

'You disappoint me..' Barry said..all of them frowned in confusement except for Mew's dad.

'Sighs...I thought he'll give a good fight but...you easily lost your game just like that.' Mark said

'What's going on dad?' Mew asked

'Well..let's just say that we know what this psycho did to Gulf.' Mark answered his son..and they were shocked..Pob paled...Barry is glaring at him..

'If I was not raised decently..You are already dead the moment I learned what you did to my only son.' Barry said in a chilly manner..

'S-sir...It was just an accident I-

'ACCIDENT?!...*Barry pushed away his man and choke Pob himself* ...YOU FUCKING DARE TO SAY IT WAS ACCIDENT WHEN YOU FUCKING LURED MY SON TO GO THERE TO DO YOUR PLAN TO RAPE HIM!!?!' Barry yelled at his face..he is extremely mad..Gulf flinched seeing how scary his father right now..Mew held him tighter..This is the first time he saw his dada like this..

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