Chapter XIII

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"Mommy!" Varian ran into her arms with a bright smile.

Rose's face brightened as she scooped up her son, spinning him around. "Oh, my baby! I missed you!"

"I missed you too, mommy!" Varian giggled and buried his face into her shoulder.

"Rosamund! You're back!" Quirin sprinted over to his wife and son. "I'm so glad that you're home!"

"I'm glad too. I love you both so much," Rose said as she hugged her husband tight, pressing her lips to his briefly.

"Did you bring anything back for me?!" Varian asked excitedly and Rose laughed.

She set down her son and pulled out a pair of goggles that she had picked up on her way back home.

Varian gasped and quickly grasped the goggles, looking at them in awe.

"I thought you would like your very own goggles for when you help me in the lab," Rose said as she smiled at his reaction.

"I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it!" Varian bounded around excitedly and clutched the goggles close to his chest. "I wanna put them on! Can I?! Can I?!"

Quirin chuckled as he watched Rose bend down to help Varian put on the goggles.

Rose tightened the strap so it was snug to his head and Varian was bouncing on his feet with excitement.

"There you go! Who do they feel?" Rose asked as she stood up.

"Perfect! Can I wear them to the castle for Aqua's birthday?! I wanna show her!" Varian looked up at his parents with the most precious face ever.

Quirin smiled as he hummed with a nod. "I don't see why not."

Varian jumped around excitedly, letting out elated cheers of joy.

Rose laughed lightly at how cute her son was.

"So, did you find it?" Quirin asked softly as Varian bounded towards the living room with his new goggles.

"We did," Rose replied with a smile as she hugged him.

Quirin wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close to him with a sigh of content. "I'm proud of you. I knew you could do it."

"Now we just need to figure out what's inside and try to take back Eden," Rose murmured and Quirin smiled.

"If anyone can do it, it's you," Quirin encouraged with a smile.


Aqua was shocked by what had happened. She tried to stand so she could melt the ice but they hit a bump and she fell. "Ah!"

"Aqua!" Varian reached for her as she hit her head on the side of the boat. "Come on, wake up!"

Anna looked around and tried to stop them.

"Someone, give me a hand!" Anna demanded and Olaf took out his arm, giving it to Anna. She took the arm and then saw a branch. "Hang on, guys!"

"Wait!" Varian warned, but it was too late.

Anna reached the hand up and grabbed the branch with Olaf's arm, swinging them to the side and off the ice path. They landed in a river.

"Come on!" Anna groaned in exasperation.

"Anna! This might sound crazy, but I'm sensing some rising anger," Olaf said and Anna looked at him, getting hit in the head with the tree.

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