No longer a secret

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Levi's POV
I feel like I shouldn't go looking through the brats bag but for some reason I feel compelled to.

Levi thinks while slowly opening the small compartment of the bag.
Fully open the compartment was full of crumpled up papers and sticky notes.

"What the hell is this"
Levi mumbles under his breath taking one to unfold.
The paper read.
*hey faggot heard your an orphan really comedic huh makes sense they killed themselfs they had you as a child you peice of shit*
Levi's eyes widened softly as he opened the rest of them.
They all read something like.
*fuck you*
*just die already*

Fuck this feels like an invasion of his privacy I should put this back.
Levi started putting the papers back when he saw a small shinny object through the open zipper on the main compartment of the bag.

Without thinking he ripped open the bag and dug through to pull out a small blade most likely from a pencil sharpener.
He looked closer at it to see dried blood.

"Oh shit"
He mumbled under his breath throwing everything back into his bag and placing it down by his couch.

He sat forward and put his hands on his head.
~who exactly are you Eren Jeager~
His thought was interrupted by a quiet sob coming from his room.

Is the brat crying.
Levi slowly walked up to the door and opened it as slowly and quietly as possible. Levi's eyes widened as he looked at his bed to see Eren sitting there pocket knife in hand drawing long deep lines on his wrists.
He looked up at erens face expecting a look of pain but Eren looked calm and at peace.

He closes the door and knocks on it pretending he saw nothing.
"Hey idiot you ok"
He says knocking.

Erens POV
Shit fuck shit.
He quickly rolled his sleeve down and kicked the knife under the bed.

"Y-yea I'm fine you can come in"
Levi scuffed and opened the door going full speed towards Eren.
Eren flinched.
Levi pressed him down on the bed holding his arms down.

"L-Levi what the fuc-"
"I don't like it when people lie to me"
Levi cut him off
"Oh so your fine. Alright roll up your sleeves"

Eren froze he felt like his heart dropped.

"Wha-   W-why"
"Why are you so nervous scared I'll find out something"
"N-no not at all"
Levi says loudly.
Erens eyes water but he dose not cry he just lays there in disbelief.
"Fine I'll do it"
Beffore Eren could process that Levi ripped both his sleeves up to reveal Erens arms practically shredded from all of the scars burns and cuts on them.
Levi's eyes widened a bit but he tried to stay stone.
"What the fuck is this"
"It's nothing"
"Nothing is it you did this didn't you"
Eren snapped Levi not expecting that reverted his head a little.
Eren says angerly. He stands up enduring the pain in his side and walked out as fast as he could forgetting his bag.

Nothing/ereri\Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora