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Eren stammers his way through the halls leading Levi to the library.
"So brat what corses are you taking"
"Oh M-me"
"No the wall..yes you"
"Oh uhm math French arts and English"
Levi scuffs under his breath.

Eren looks down at the floor as they enter the library.
"Well this is it"
"Hmm its small..wheres the Latin stuff"
"Oh I'm over there I thi-"
Eren is cut off by a sharp voice
" HEY jeager how about you leave the new guy alone he obviously dosent like you"
Eren looks down at the ground trying to think of a way to get out of the situation.
Levi sits there while all of the girls practically droll over him he looks at Eren to see a tear fall from his eye.
"Hey jeager I thought I said get lost"
"S-sorry Annie b-bye"
Eren stammers away quickly trying to avoid everyone around him.

He keeps walking not paying attention to where he's going or the time all of a sudden he bumps into someone. He looks up and his heard sinks.
"Oh look it's the little faggot what's wrong think I'm cute"
Eren confused screams
"I'm not gay w-who said that"
"Aw what about your crush on the new kid I'm sure you'd love to suck him off"
Eren terrified starts backing away slowly.
"Oh your not going anywhere dweeb we still haven't had out little chat"
Eren suddenly got swept off his feel by a tall boy with black hair they dragged him out to the back of the gym with their hands over his mouth so he could not scream.

"It's no use trying to scream now nobody can hear you. Aww look at that little face td be a shame if I did something too it"
Eren tries to squirm out of the tall boys arms but beffore he could suddenly he saw a foot comming right at his face than he blacked out.

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