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Eren turned fast to see Levi with the same stone cold look on.
"Hey brat you just gunna stare at me"
"N-no sorry uhm y-yea what do you wanna s-see"
Eren says with his voice shaking trying to keep his head down to hide the bruise.
"Hmm maybe the library"
"Oh y-yea totally uhm now?"
"Why you got something better to do"
"N-no sorry can I go to the bathroom first"
"Knock yourself out"
Levi says leaning up against his desk pulling out a book,
" o-ok I'll be right back"
Eren stammers to the bathroom nervously.

Levi's POV
God what a ball of nerves and why did he take his bag to the bathroom dose he not trust me.

Back to eren
Eren runs into a bathroom stall and shuts the door sighing loudly and sitting on the toilet with his head in his hands.
~I wanna do it~
Eren slowly lets his head go and turns towards his bag.
He sits for a min staring at it than opens the main compartment pulling out a small pencil case.

With shaking hands he opens it inside is 4 rubbing alcohol packets for cleaning wounds and a small blade from a pencil sharpener.

Eren takes a shaky breath in as he rolls up his sleeve to reveal the lines of life under his sleeves. His breath slows as he finds a open spot. He takes the small blade with a shaky hand and draws on his wrist with it.

His shaky hand stops when he sees the blood and he sits there for a second breathing in relef.

Levi's POV
God what's taking so long did he get lost or something. Levi pokes his head out the door and sees the boys bathroom
"He's probably in that one I'll go check on him I guess"
He mutters under his breath.

Back to Eren

I sit there for a while breathing and staring at the blood. Something about it calms me down every time. Suddenly Eren hears footsteps comming in.
He graves an ace bandage out of his bag and quickly wraps his fresh wounds.

He says in pain from wrapping too hard
Levi's voice echos through the bathroom
"O-oh sorry one sec"
Eren zips up his bag and runs out of the stall to be face with Levi
"U ok you look pale"
"Oh n-no I'm fine"
Eren walks over to wash his hands.

Erens head:
fuck I can't roll up my sleeves with him in here how do I wash my hands.

Eren goes over to the sink and rolls his sleeves up as far as he can go without anything showing and washes his hands.
"U done"
"Y-yea sorry let's go you said library right"
Levi says staring at Eren with the same stone look.

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