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Eren gripped the sheets as memories of his mother slowly flowed in he bit his tongue fighting back tears.
"I see"
Levi said with the same stone cold voice.

"Where do you live than"
"I- o-oh I live with my aunt..well sorta my ant it's weird"
"Do you want to call her"
Levi said analyzing Eren
"N-no it's fine she usually is not home anyways...s-sorry for the trouble I should go now"

Eren tries to stand up but he fell to his knees from the sharp pain in his side.
"There's no way your going home like this"
Levi goes to grab erens arm.
Eren pulls away.
"I-ill do it myself"
He placed his hand up on the side table and pushed up with all his strength holding his side and flopped himself onto the bed.
He says pulling air through his teeth.
"Sleep here idiot I'm making tea want some"
"N-no thanks"

Levi walks out of the room leaving the door open.
Eren sighs and turns onto his good side.
~god this is the worst first impression ever~
He tries to close his eyes but is struck with the urge to cut.

He screams in his head.
He looks around the room for anything he could use and his eye catches a shiny pocket knife sitting on the dresser across the room.
~SHIT how do I get to that~
He stares for a few seconds when he hears Levi comming back.
He flopped over and pretended to be asleep.Levi peaked in the door and saw Eren asleep.
~yea right~
He thought scanning the room and stopping on erens bag.
Wonder what he's got in there.

Levi walks over to the bag witch was on the other side of the room and threw it around his arm beffore walking out of the room.

~What the fuck~
What dose he want with my bag
FUCK MY STUFF FROM ERLIER IS IN THERE...he's not going to look right.Eren sighs beffore giving up on the pocket knife. He spent the last few minutes beffore he fell asleep jabbing his nail into his skin to try and calm himself down as much as he could.

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