Chapter 11

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Xavier's POV

Looks like the forest we were taking a break in belonged to a tribe. An evil tribe. They're men were very skilled fighters, just as I thought we were going to lose I heard one of the men about to kill Ophelia. And hearing her scream when that monster pierced her neck, I would do anything to protect. Well, now were in crates being taken away to god knows where, all I know is I will get out of this, I always do.

Ophelia is crying, "Where are they taking us?" she asks trembling. I cannot bare to see her like this.

"Don't worry, we will meet their leader and get away, they won't hurt you." I say reassuringly, "please don't cry."

She wipes her tears with her shoulders, since our hands are tied up behind us.

After a bit, I realize the horses have stopped. Our crates open and Ophelia flinches, I wish I could just wrap my arms around her letting her know I am going to keep her safe. Two men grab me and her and put cloth bags over our heads so we couldn't see anything. We are dragged, and we finally stop.

The men rip off our head coverings. And there is a man on a thrown in front. I suddenly recognize him. "Conzo?" I whisper. I battled Conzo like 3 years ago, and beat his army, and they retreated. I do remember stabbing his face in that battle and having him beg for mercy. That explains his eye patch that he is wearing.

"Why hello Xavier, we meet again. In a little different position." he laughs. I feel like going up to him and finishing him, so I try running forward and am yanked back by his men. "now now Xavier, relax," he looks at Ophelia, "Oh and this pretty lady must be your wife."

"w- we are just an alliance, nothing else." Ophelia says looking down.

"Oh, I see," he laughs, "But he does seem to like you," Conzo gets off his seat and walks towards Ophelia. She tries moving back but his men are holding her. He slowly touches her face, "Very pretty I must say." Ophelia is squeezing her eyes shut and crying.

I can't handle him touching her, "GET AWAY FROM HER" I roar.

Conzo steps towards me and stands close to my face, "What are you gonna do huh?"

I spit on his face and next thing I know he punches me right across my jaw. I hang my face in pain, and I can hear Ophelia sobbing. Conzo commands his guards, "take them away for now!"

Me and Ophelia are dragged away and thrown into a cell. Ophelia leans against the wall with her head on her knees crying. I go sit next to her holding her face, "Ophelia stay strong, we will get out of this."

"How do you know h-him?" she asks sniffling.

"He is one of my enemies..." I say.

After a while of sitting in silence, the guards open the cell and pull us out, we are being taken somewhere, but at least I can look around now, I find a huge cell packed with my army, and we are led to a dinner haul. Seriously? I see Conzo sitting at the end of the table, he stands, "Hello again. Let's try this again over dinner, now be behaved and have a seat, if there is any funny business, I will kill you," he says smiling.

Ophelia is seated next to him on one side, and I am across from her on the other side of Conzo. There are men surrounding us. I think fast and grab the fork and just as I am about to stab him, his men pull me and kick me. I wince in pain. I stand up straight and Conzo comes towards me, " I knew you would try to do something you buffoon", and he punches me in my stomach. I yell in pain and he continues, "Now I am going to go send you somewhere where you will be killed, Guards, tie up Ophelia just in case she gets similar ideas, and take Xavier away. Two men go to Ophelia to tie her up and I am left with one man escorting me out.

Just as I am about to cross the cell where my army is, I twirl around and kick the guy in the balls, proceeding with beating him up with all my power. Once the guy is bloody and dead, I grab the keys from his side, and open the cell and command the army to get out, "The weapons room is around the corner, I saw, now go get geared up and leave and kill everyone in your way, I'll meet you outside."

I get the weapons from the dead guard and head back to the dinner hall, I open the door to find two men at the entrance, who I stab and kill right away, then I see the disgusting sight of Conzo having Ophelia pinned to the wall. Once Ophelia sees me, she kicks Conzo, and I punch across his head knocking him out. I quickly grab Ophelias hand and run towards the exit, "we need to leave now before more guards show up."

We leave and find that my army fought off some guards and stole horses from the stables and are getting on the horses riding around trying to get used to them. I grab a horse and pull Ophelia on and we ride away full speed.

Ophelia's POV

Everything happened so fast. Conzo was trying to kiss me when Xavier finally broke through and saved me, and I don't know what happened, but we are free now.  We are riding so fast, I can't even open my eyes because of how hard the wind is. I slowly fall asleep with Xavier holding me tight.

Hours later, we stop knowing that we are not being followed because we stole all their horses and killed half their men. Xavier helps me down. "I-" And just as I am about to speak, Xavier steps forward and puts his lips on mine kissing me. I hesitate for a second then place my hands on his chest, while he has his on my neck.

Then I hear someone call me, "Ophelia!" and I quickly push away from Xavier, and Edmond comes to me. "Oh Ophelia!" he says as me pulls me into a hug.

"Edmond!" I say lovingly hugging him back, he was probably so worried about me.

He pulls away and places his hand on my head, "Me and some others are going to hunt for something to eat, take care of yourself. I'll be back quickly." I nod and he leaves. I look back at Xavier who is already staring at me. I blush remembering that we just kissed. I look away and he comes close placing his hand on my check.

"Are you okay?" he asks gently.

"i guess so..." I respond.

He holds my hand and takes me to the campfire.

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