Chapter 9

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Xavier's POV

There were still weeks till we arrive at Vipra's tribe. I still can't believe Vipra manage to terrorize other tribes who live so far away, maybe it's because they have so many men.

Any ways, we have been traveling for a few days now, and its currently day 5, and we are we are about to camp and sleep. Ophelia just usually stayed with Edmond most of the time so we didn't talk.

I hear coughing from a distance, Then Edmond comes to me and says, "Ophelia has caught a cold and is not feeling well." I get worried and follow Edmond to where Ophelia was laying down. She was shivering and she looked really sick. I kneel down to feel her head and notice that she is burning up.

I look at Edmond, "go get some rest, I'll take care of her." and Edmond left. I look back at Ophelia who is now asleep. I lied down next to her and wrapped myself around her to give her my warmth. Her delicate body fit so well in mine.

I am slowly starting to think that I actually like her.

The next morning, I get up and all the men are getting ready to continue, but Ophelia is still sleeping, she is probably so exhausted. "Ophelia wake up dear." and she slowly opens her eyes. I pick her up bridal style and put her on my horse with me because she will be too week to ride herself. "Hold on to me, I say to the tired Ophelia. And holds on. It felt so good when she held on to me, I loved it.

I look at my men, "we are going to stop at the next nearest tribe so we can get Ophelia special herbs to heal her. I believe it's an hour away."

We arrive at a tribe, there are friendly people walking everywhere minding their own business. Then, an old man walks up to me smiling, "Hello there, I am leader of the Flarence tribe, what brings you here?"

"Well we are on a journey and one of our girl has fallen ill, so we were hoping you could help." I said.

"Oh OfCourse! Absolutely no problem, ill arrange a place for all your men to sleep and eat tonight." he says while looking at Ophelia. "and oh no she looks so ill, wait let me call my son Alexander, ALAEXANDER COME HERE!"

I see a boy about my age come, he has super curly hair and tan skin. "Hello", I say in a harsh tone because I did not have a good feeling about this guy.

The leader speaks, "Alexander, please get the girl to the sick bed please, her men will be spending the night."

"Okay father." he says as he walks to my horse and reaches for Ophelia. I feel a sudden anger wanting to kill him, but then I remember that Ophelia is super sick, so I let him carry her. Alexander holds Ophelia in his arms while she sleeps and takes her away.

Ophelia's POV

All I can remember is catching a cold and then riding on Xavier's horse and falling asleep. I slowly open my eyes and realize I'm in a different place. I almost jump. Then look around at my surroundings. I have never seen this room. And by the looks of it, it looks like a boy's room. Wait, did Xavier take me to his room?! Oh, wait was far from home, where could this be.

As I am lost in my thought a boy who is my age or older walks in, I flinch. He puts one hand in the air and one hand is holding soup and he says, "woah there, I come in peace, I brought soup." he hands me the soup that smells amazing.

I look at him, he is a decent looking guy, "um where am I?"

"My room" he says smiling, which makes my cheeks heat up, maybe because I'm sick.

I say, "i mean what place."

He then goes, "Oh Flarence tribe, my dad's the leader. Your people brought you here since we were on the way to your journey and you were sick, so I am tasked for taking care of you."

"oh" I say shyly, "where's Xavier?" I ask.

He stops smiling, "you mean the creepy looking dude? He's in the sleeping are with the rest of the men..."

I start sipping on the yummy soup while he stares hardly at me. Then he breaks the silence by asking, "are you guys dating?"

I almost choke on my soup and start coughing and quickly catch my breath, "Absolutely NOT! Who told you that?!"

He looked relieved, "Oh sorry I just assumed." I continued eating my soup while he left. That was so weird.

I finish my soup and am now resting, I'm bored. I get up and walk around his room, he had so many unique swords on the wall, some that I have never seen. Then Alexander walks in and says, "oh looks like you've found my sword collection."

"oh yea they are beautiful" I say as i place my hand on the swords. He then walks up super close to me and puts his hand next to mine. My heart starts beating fast as he is so near me. I was just about to step back when someone enters. Xavier.

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