Chapter 6

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Xavier's POV

I did not expect Ophelia to be a fighter, wow. She's probably better than most of my men. While fighting I saw her eyes, filled with innocence and beauty, I almost got lost so I purposely cut her to stop myself. What am I doing? I'm Xavier, strong, brutal, independent leader of Sanryn. How can I change for this measly girl? I must stop.

Plus, I only gave her a small cut, why is she acting like I stabbed her, pathetic. I continued off to the fighting ground where her men had gathered, let's see if her men are worthy. One by one I beat all her men with ease. It had gotten a little dark, the sun was setting, but I realized, Ophelia was nowhere to be seen, only her jack Edmond was here. I went to Edmond and asked, "where is Ophelia?"

"she is in her room, the first one to the left." he said while pointing at her room. I walked there. I can't believe the Leader would not watch her own training. I walked up to the entrance.

Ophelia's POV

I was in my room, carving my name into the archery arrows. I love doing that, so if I were to hit an enemy, everyone on their side would know who hit him. I know it sounds silly, but I like it. Just then I hear hard footsteps coming towards my room. I Quickly grabbed my bow and arrow and shot it at whoever entered. Xavier.

I had hit the side if his sleeve causing it to be pinned to the wall, but I didn't hurt him, so much for my aiming. He looked at the arrow and then at me. He took it out of the wall and his sleeve, and fingered it, "How immature, writing your name on these." he scoffed. Wow he's mean and disrespectful.

"Yes, I do as I please." I said trying to sound confident, but it was hard because he was huge compared to me. I am probably the size of his one arm. And his face, so intimidating, yet beautifully structured, wait what am I saying, cut It out Ophelia.

"I see." he says in a strong tone, while holding by arrow, "why were you absent at training?"

"because I had better things to do, besides, Edmond was there."

He looks at me, "Edmond? You send a jack in your place?"

"He's not just any jack, he is my father figure, he helped rule the tribe and he is the wisest man I know." I spat.

"Oh okay, well I came to say I have invited you to a meeting tomorrow back at my tribe, be there at dinner," he said before leaving without giving me a chance to question.

**the next day**

Today, I'm going to Xavier's dinner. I don't know why I'm a little scared, I guess that's just my personality. I wear my emerald green dress, and add a white flower and pin it to my hair. Edmond will be escorting me there and back. I go outside to see Edmond waiting on his horse, I get on mine and we're on our way.

We arrive to the tribe. It is darker than mine, I can barely see any color. I am escorted by one of his jacks to a dinner table the most food I've ever seen in my life, and I take a seat.

Xavier's POV

I go to the dinner table to see that Ophelia has already been seated, I feel something in my stomach but ignore it as I walk to my seat. "please do start," I say pointing at the food. We both eat in silence. "So, we will be heading on our journey to Vipra tomorrow morning." I say firmly breaking the silence causing her to cough.

"What? Tomorrow?" she looks confused.

"Yes, it is a long journey, and I think we should leave as soon as possible."

"oh okay, your right,"

We both finish and go outside where it has gotten dark, I notice her staring into the sky. "what are you looking at?" I ask confused.

"oh um, the stars, they are very beautiful tonight." she says.

Then, I remembered something. "hey come with me" I say jogging and getting on to my horse. She follows and looks at me.

"wait where"

"just get on I'll show you." I say reaching out my hand. She hesitates a bit and grabs my hand as I pull her on to my horse. She grabs onto my back, it felt like a touch I've always longed for, so gentle and graceful. I hit the horse and start riding into the trees.

Then I finally reach a tall hill where I ride up to the top. I jump off the horse and so does she.

"Wow..." she says staring adoringly at the sky. I used to come here as a child after I would kill someone, this hill had the best view of the stars. I look at her and she looks at me, "it's absolutely beautiful she says with her sparkly eyes.

"yeah..." I say scratching the back of my neck. And we both turn to look at the stars.

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