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In the year 1621, 17-year-old Ophelia and 19-year-old Xavier both led their own separate tribes which were both coincidently given to them by their parents who had passed away. Ophelia's parents were murdered in their sleep when Ophelia was 14 years old, and Xaviers parents passed while in battle when Xavier was just a baby. Ophelia had her guidance man assist her and help control the tribe and army with her permission. Ophelia was the actual leader of the tribe but her guidance man, Edmond, controlled it and went on most important missions. But he wouldn't forget to help Ophelia do her roles as a leader. Xaviers uncle took over until Xavier turned 12 and handed the leadership him. Xavier started to lead his tribe once it was handed to him, and he didn't once ask for guidance, and was known for being strong and independent. Both their families were the leaders and masters of their tribes. Ophelia's tribe name was Aragona, and Xavier's was called Sanryn.

Ophelia was a gentle soul, many even made fun of her for being so kind and sensitive. But people also respected her for it. But it was true, Ophelia has always been nice, she wouldn't even hurt a fly unless it deserved it. But Ophelia was just and fair. She was an amazing fighter as well. Her father had trained her until he passed away, after that, Edmond, who was just a little older than her father, trained her harder and she was the best fighter of her tribe. But she was most known for her mercy, if she had a prisoner, she wouldn't hurt them without cause, and she would only kill if it was the last possible and fair option.

Other than her compassion and skills, she was very beautiful. All men would die for her, but of course none came near her because of fear. She had never loved anyone before and was planning never to because she kept her tribe first. She had long ash brown hair which looked like chocolate and honey in the sun and had hazel eyes which one could be lost in if they stared too long.

Xavier was something quite different. He had a heart made of stone and enjoyed torture. He was passionate about being powerful and showed no mercy. Not a single person walked too near him because they feared of being slaughtered on spot. A reason for his dark soul was partially because he never had parents and was burdened with the role of a leader at such a young age. He was an amazing fighter. His enemies even feared to keep him as an enemy. He started fighting the second he could say his first words and practiced day and night ever since then.

He had a sharp jawline and the most muscular body one has ever seen. He had dark hair and deep blue eyes. He also had the most intimidating face, that if someone were to look at him, they would start shaking.

Ophelia's day consists of studying, walking around her village to see if her people were doing okay, going to watch Edmond train her army, and training herself.

Xavier spent his days training his own army, fighting them to see if they're worthy, and sending his jacks (his personnel assistants), to go check on the people.

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