your perfect

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It had been two years at Hogwarts and now I was going into my third year. Fred and George's little brother ron was starting his first year and Charlie and Josh were starting their last.

It was hard watching my siblings leave but i still had Alex and my friends to keep me company.

Once again my friends and I were on our way back to Hogwarts. We were all in one large compartment together. Katie, Alicia and Joanna were all sat next to each other whilst lee and George were sat together on the floor with Angelina sat opposite them trying to be involved in their conversation. Fred and I were next to each other. I was listening to him talk about his plan to dye snape's hair neon yellow.

As he finished talking I felt my eyes getting heavy and I let out a small yawn. Fred looked at me.

"You can sleep if you want to love"he whispered.

I Smiled slightly at the nickname and closed my eyes.

Fred's pov

As Helena fell asleep I lay her down with her head resting on my lap. I smiled as I played with her hair. I looked up to see George look at me, he winked at me then smirked.

" piss off George. " I mutter so I wouldn't wake Helena. He just chuckled at me and shook his head going back to talking to lee.

Helena's pov

I woke up to Fred gently shaking me.
"Hey Helena we're at the halfway point so you might wanna get changed into you robes now."
I nodded and got up to grab my robes.

On my way to get changed I saw max so I smiled and walked towards him.
"Hey snow, how are you?" he asked

"I'm fine i'm just in my way to get changed actually."

" Oh cool I'll see you later then" he waved at me

"Yeah I guess you will bye" but before I got to the bathroom, max came running after me.

"Helena wait up." He called

"What's wrong?"

" um... I was just wondering if we could you know hang out more. "

"Yeah max that'd be cool mabey tomorrow as we don't have any lessons"

"Yeah sounds good, I'll see you at the feast"

After I got changed I went back to the others.
When I walked in Fred furrowed his eyebrows.
"Hey what took you so long?"

"Oh I just ran into max"

"That git? What did he say?"

" well nosey, if you must know he said we should hang out more. "

"Great so now he's gonna be around more" Fred threw his arms up in frustration

Angelina turned around quickly her eyes wide and she was grinning.
"Max? As in Max royal?"

I nodded

"Oh my Merlin he's hot." She gushed

Alicia and Joanna both looked at Angelina.
"Come on Ange you find every guy hot." Joanna groaned
" yeah it's kinda exhausting you chasing after every guy and then getting rejected. "

Angelina's face went red with anger.

Lee looked down hurt by her words as George hugged him and tried to make him feel better.

"YOU GUYS ARE ASSHOLES AND I'D RATHER BE ELSEWHERE!" with that she stormed out into the main carriage and stomped off.

"Don't listen to her Lee your perfect, she's just being a bitch." I told him in hopes it would cheer him up.

" yeah I know but it does hurt when she's not saying it as a joke. " he looked down with tears in his eyes.

Angelina was always so mean to lee but he always took as a joke or he just brushed It off but this time she meant It. She is slowly damaging one of my best friends and it hurt me to see Lee like that.

I new I had to do something about it.

So I know this is extremely short but I'm tired so yh hope you enjoyed it.😊

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