The Hospitality of Winter

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By asking so many questions it made them seem less important, made people less aware of what they're telling you as they're too busy trying to remember your list of questions, and it definitely seemed to work on these two.

"Well he had white hair, as if he was Winter Court you know? But people say he came from much further south with is weird."

The mercenary with light sandy hair interjected at this point, trying to get the young woman's attention, "And he had this tattoo on his face and like down his neck, in this really strange language, it looked quite old!"

The man with the scar looked a bit annoyed at his friend trying to muscle in on his action and so continued, "And he does have that white wolf with him, I wondered if it was just a coincidence when someone first mentioned it, but we saw didn't we?" He confirmed with his light haired friend, "It was like he was talking to it, and we was hiding in some bushes trying to see what he was doing right? But he noticed us straight away so we just heard him say something like 'We will find her boyo' to his wolf like, before he told us to piss off unless we had information about her."

Celaena tilted her head, miming confusion, "Why would someone talk to a wolf?"

"We dunno," the second man responded, just as the waitress delivered Rhys and Celaena's meals. She gave it an interested look and poked it with her fork.

"Maybe he's mad, or maybe he's just had that wolf a real long time."

Celaena gave a light laugh at that, acting very interested in the males, though Rhys of course knew it was just their information she gave two shites about.

"Whereabouts did you two see him? Near here?"

The scarred one nodded, "Aye, we came along that secondary road which heads a bit east on it's way further north. There's a valley not too far from here, beautiful in the snow and some woods on the other side of the valley than the path."

His friend then butted in again, "We saw him camping in those woods with some kinda tent, it was when we went over there to try spot some deer or something to hunt."

Celaena gave an agreeable nod then asked, "When did you see him camping?"

"Oh... couple hours ago? We were heading back just as it was getting dark, he seemed to be settled for the night. They say he's travelling north, bet he won't be there long."

Only the increasing rythym on her fingers drumming against her leg betrayed Celaena's interest, she feigned a shrug, glancing to Rhys and his own conversation before turning back at the perfect moment to give the impression she was losing curiousity.

"How far along the road then? He's not going to come here and kill people is he?"

"Oh no no no, you're quite safe here, he was maybe, hour and a half on foot?"

The human woman gave a pleased smile, "No danger then!"

Rhys watched Celaena raise a brow before turning to her plate with a grin. "Perfect!" She announced, before making a start. The trio had been about half-way through their own meal when the two Night Court visitors had arrived, but the mercenaries stayed for another drink, casting hopeful looks at Celaena until realising she really wasn't interested, and retired upstairs to the pub's rooms for the night.

It seemed the three friends were staying down the road at the inn, and excused themselves shortly after finishing their meals, with a promise to tell the innkeeper that two more would be on their way. Which left Rhys and Celaena alone.

A Visitor from Terrasen [Indefinite Hiatus]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora