XV. Monophobia

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Monophobia - the fear of being alone.


Marie ran at her father and hug-attacked him as soon as he crossed the doorway. He barked out a surprised laugh as she wrapped herself around his legs, resting a hand on her head.

"Darling, I can't walk nor pick you up if you've attached yourself to my legs," he said softly. She got up from the floor and stood with her arms outstretched instead. He grinned and scooped her up, showering her face with kisses as she giggled and squealed.

"How was school, love?" Lilith called from the couch, where she seemed to have been asleep. Peter grinned and brought their daughter over to her, dodging her small head to kiss his wife quickly.

"School. How was playing with this little rascal all day?" He tickled her and she squealed again, worming her way to her mothers' arms instead.

"Just as you'd expect. Draining," Lilith laughed, holding her squirming child tightly. Peter smiled fondly at them, taking his bag from his shoulder and placing it by the coffee table.

"I missed you both so much," he teased as he laid down next to the pair, pulling Lilith - and Marie, because she still sat with her - close and nuzzling his head into her neck. "School is so boring without the distraction of a screaming child."

"Right," Lilith laughed, reaching up with one hand to stroke his hair. "I'm sure. Are we still going to see the professor this weekend?"

"As always."

She nodded and sighed happily. "Good. Ed, Lu, and Eustace always love seeing Marie."

"Why, I don't know."

Marie headbutted her father in the stomach, getting a hearty laugh from both him and her mother.

"Marie Helen Pevensie! What did I say about the headbutting?"

"Only do it to daddy when he's being mean," Marie said solemnly, as though this was the absolute truth and nothing but. Peter gave an offended glance to Lilith, who looked both shocked and proud.

"That was a joke, Marie!"

"Some joke," Peter said, cocking an eyebrow at his daughter. "Did you think she was joking?"

"Nope," Marie popped the p, a habit she had taken from her Uncle Ed. "She sounded very serious, papa."

Lilith tickled her daughter relentlessly. "You little traitor! I gave you sweets!"

Marie laughed and jumped from the couch, running into the kitchen and hiding under the table. Lilith and Peter both chuckled, though neither were feeling particularly like getting up. They instead stayed laying on the couch, Lilith drifting off the sleep almost immediately. Peter put a finger to his lips when Marie came back into the room, gesturing at his sleeping wife.

"You tired mama out very much, Mare," he whispered with a smile. She grinned back at him and came over to them again, climbing until she was sandwiched in between her parents. "We're going to see Aunt Lu and Uncle Ed again soon."

"Yay!" Marie whispered tiredly, curling her hand into fists in her father's shirt. "Love them."

"Me too, darling," He held his girls as they both fell asleep. "Me, too."

"Marie!" Lucy called as soon as they were in sight of the house. She was always the most excited to see her niece, even though her brother and sister-in-law were also there. It was adorable, though, and Lilith was never offended by Lucy's obvious adoration for her daughter.

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