VII. Redamancy

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Redamancy - the act of loving someone who loves you; a love returned in full.



"I just-"


"Sorry." She looked down and took her hand off of his armor, grabbing the sides of her dress with them instead. "I-"

He sighed, reaching for her hands with his own, holding them tightly. "I know, Lil. You can't make the armor any tighter, and it being tighter won't necessarily keep me safer. Remember the Battle of Beruna? When you kept smacking me because I tried to put more armor on you?"

She laughed, tilting her head back to the ceiling. "Yes!"

"This is just like that, love. I'll be fine, I promise." She wrapped her arms around his waist, tucking her head into the crook of his neck. He wrapped one arm around her shoulders, the other cradling her head. She wasn't crying - surprisingly - but just wanted to hold him for a bit. She didn't want to think about it, but what if it was the last time she ever did? She didn't want to be crying for it. She'd also already gotten most of the tears out earlier that day. He wanted to cry, but decided to try to not. He could cry with her after everything else.

"You had better be fine, 'cause I don't think I can live without you," she whispered. His hand tightened on the back of her head.

"If, and this is a big if," He shook away the tears, resting his chin on top of her head. "I don't make it, you need to keep living. You, Sue, Ed and Lu need to go on, okay?"

She shook her head. "No. No 'if's. You will make it. I will fight to the death if it means you live, Peter Pevensie."

"Don't do that."


"Talk about yourself like you're expendable." He pulled back and put his hands on either side of her face. "You aren't. I need you. You can't die for me."

"I would, though."

"Then let's make sure it doesn't come to that, yes? Because I can't live without you, Lilith Cha-"


He grinned widely at her. "Lilith Pevensie."

"Better." She smiled, leaning her forehead against his. Their noses brushed as they closed their eyes, both just soaking each other in. They could make it. They better make it.

Her husband was crazy with a sword. That much was still true. However, Miraz was just crazy.

Edmund stood beside her as they watched Peter and Miraz face off. There was much taunting, which made Lilith's blood boil. Miraz had done enough without riling up her husband. Peter managed to stay collected, only sassing him back before lunging at him. Every time he got scraped Lilith visibly flinched and gripped Ed's hand tighter. Her necklace was still around Peter's throat, and when he moved enough it glimmered in the sun. It only made her more nervous. Hopefully she wouldn't have to see it on his corpse.

Caspian came pounding over on his horse, Susan behind him with her arms around him. They both stared as Miraz tried again to hit Peter, having caught him off guard.

"Does his majesty need a respite?" he hissed, seeing Peter looking over at his sister.

"Five minutes."

HIRAETH - P. PEVENSIE (2)Where stories live. Discover now