XIV. Propinquity

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Propinquity - the fact of being near someone or something, or closely related to or very much like someone; the property of being close together.

Even after months of waking up next to Peter, Lilith still didn't think she'd ever get tired of it.

He had grown up even since their wedding. His chin now had a faint line of stubble, which was a pleasant sort of scratchy, and his body had become more defined. His jawline was far more chiseled than it had been in his early teens, as was the rest of his body. Lilith enjoyed that for very selfish reasons.

"Peter," she whispered, looking up at him. She was tucked under his arms on his chest, so she hardly had to move to see him. "Peter, my love. Wake up."

He groaned and pulled her closer before sighing. "I don't want to. Waking up means I don't get to be warm and hold you."

"Oh, my lovely," she laughed. "We can stay in bed for a while longer if you truly want to. I just had something to tell you."

"And that is?"

She propped herself up on one elbow, leaning her face just above his. "Promise not to get mad? Or jump up and hurt me?"


"I'm pregnant."

His eyes shot open. "You're pregnant? With a baby?"

"No, with a goat," She laughed at his annoyed expression. "Yes, with a baby."



He continued to look at her in shock, though it turned into happiness very quickly. He rolled her over so he was on top, staring into her face wonderingly. "We're having a baby!"

She nodded and laughed, tracing her hands over his cheeks. "We're having a baby."

He kissed her lips quickly before going lower, stopping just as his head was over her abdomen. "Hello, baby," he whispered, kissing her stomach. "I love you already. I can't wait to meet you. You're going to have the best mother in the world."

"And father." Lilith added, weaving her hands through Peter's hair. He looked up and smiled at her before placing his hand over where he had just kissed, rubbing gently.

"Best family," he amended, smiling widely. Lilith thought it looked like the sun had just shone for the first time. He was almost glowing, just as he had all those times in Narnia. She couldn't stop herself from giggling.

"God, I love you. You're perfect, Peter Pevensie."

"Why're you holding your stomach, Lil? Dinner not sit right?" Edmund teased. She shook her head and glanced at Peter, who nodded encouragingly.

"No," she replied, standing up. "But Peter and I do have something to tell everyone. We're pregnant."

Helen shot from her seat and immediately ran for her daughter-in-law, grabbing her in a hug. Susan and Lucy were close behind, and though Thomas went to congratulate his son, Edmund hesitated at the back of the group.

"Something wrong, Eddie?"

He shook his head, though it was obvious he was lying. He relented after Lilith put her hands on her hips. "Fine. It's just...you and Peter had to...you know...to get a baby in there..."

"Edmund!" Lilith put her face in her hands and screamed into them. "Why would you say that?"

Everyone else broke out into embarrassed laughter. "You asked!" Edmund protested, throwing his arms up in the air. Peter nodded before laughing again, doubling over and holding his stomach. Thomas and Helen were both amused and embarrassed, which was reflected in their awkward chuckles. Susan, Lucy, and Peter were a different story. They were laughing all-out, as though Edmund's comment was the funniest thing they had ever heard.

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