XIII. Ethereal

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Ethereal - so light and delicate that it seems magical.

Their wedding couldn't come soon enough, Lilith thought.

She and Peter insisted on a winter wedding, mostly because that would mean they wouldn't have to wait long. Helen and Susan were on top of the planning as soon as the happy couple broke the news. Edmund, Lucy and Thomas were all ecstatic about the marriage, though Ed and Lu for different reasons than Thomas. Everyone, including Lilith and Peter, had made the wedding the center of their focus. It was a lot of fun to have a family to plan with.

"I can't believe it's tomorrow!" Lucy said as she and Lilith set out the dress. It wasn't a large ball gown as the one in Narnia had been, but simple. She wanted something she could dance in comfortably, as well as get out of easily. Not that she explained the second half to Helen.

"I don't think I could survive waiting another day," Lilith replied honestly. Lucy laughed, which confused her.

"We all know you and Peter haven't been waiting for this marriage for that reason."

Lilith snorted and turned bright red, smacking her little sister on the shoulder affectionately. "Oh my god, Lucy! Why would you say that?"

"It's true," Lucy giggled, her cheeks dusted with pink. "It's so obvious, Lil! I see the little spots on your neck every time you put your hair up. You're just lucky mum and dad haven't noticed yet."

Lilith smacked her forehead with her palm. "I thought I was better at covering them up. Your parents very well could have seen them."

"Mum would say something."


The two broke out into laughter again, and were still laughing when Susan poked her head into the room. "What's going on in here?"

"Lucy's being improper."


They both spoke at the same time, which made them laugh again. Susan shook her head but grinned at them gleefully.

"You're getting married tomorrow! We'll be sisters again!" She came over and grabbed Lilith's hands, giving her a little shake. Lilith nodded and laughed again, her cheeks flushed from happiness. "I'm so excited!"

"So am I, given I'm the one getting married!" Lilith replied, smirking as Susan rolled her eyes. "But seriously. I can hardly wait."

"It's not like you've had to-"

"What is it with you two?" Lilith demanded as Lucy snickered. "I get it, I didn't wait here! There's no need to tease me as much as you are!"

Edmund came in then. "What are we teasing her about? I bet I could help."

Lilith gave him a dark look. "Don't you dare." He held his hands up in surrender, grinning at the face she thought was intimidating.

"Peter wanted me to tell you he's ready to head home if you are."

She nodded and reached for Lucy, wrapping her up in a tight hug. "The next time I see you, we'll be sisters," she whispered, which made Lu giggle. She hugged both Edmund and Susan before heading downstairs to say goodbye to Helen and Thomas.

"Oh, Lilith?"

She turned to face Edmund, who had reached a hand out and grabbed her elbow. "Yes, Ed?"

He looked shy for a moment before muttering, "Is it alright if I give you away tomorrow?"

She smiled fondly at him, patting his cheek softly. "Of course. I'll see you in the morning. Be ready for the most tears and squealing you've ever heard in your life."

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