Chapter 1

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Beach house up there ^^^^


Man... That run was tiring. I walk in surprised by the big hug that envelopes me, I look down and see my brother smiling, so I just ruffle his head. "what's up?" I asked, "GUESS WHAT LIVVY!!" I winced. Jesus, how loud can this little boy be... "aye Dilly, you need to be a little quieter okay? because Mom is sleeping" I say looking back at mom on the couch sighing.

How is she still sleeping? I look back at Dylan and see him nodding "So what's up? you wanted to ask me something?" I ask "Oh yeah! Aunt Tia called the house phone when you were out and invited us to stay at their beach house for 3 days before school starts!!" I smile at him finally being really happy "Okay then let's start packing and I will tell mom later. Okay?" I say "OKAY!" he yells while I give him another warning stare for yelling, but then his smile turns to a frown which I hate seeing because that's been happening lately.

"What's wrong?" I ask worried "why is mom on the couch passed out?" he asked sadly...damn it... I forgot he is in the 6th grade... of course, she would look sus to him. "Ummm she's just tired and was very busy last night looking for jobs so she's just tired, but don't worry, you know mom is strong and will be a wonderful mom" I smile.

"Hmph, doesn't look like it" he huffs. What??? I was not expecting that from him "I know Dilly, but you have to understand mom, she just lost Max so understand her, and let's just pack up and be ready for the fun weekend we have in front of us!" I say hoping he will understand. I wait for his response and feel relieved when a smile appears and let a smile grow big on my face.

"The last one upstairs is a rotten egg!" I yell quietly and race up the stair as fast as my legs can carry me. "Hey, that's not fair!! You got a head start!" Giggling my but off I go to my room and pack up.


"Uhhhhhh! why can't this dang luggage just Ahhhhhhhh!! fricking close" (sorry for my weird language, because I don't really cuss unless it's for a good reason lol).

"knock knock knock." Come in!!" I yell. When I turn around I see my mom with apologetic eyes and can't help but notice the dark bags under her eyes. I sigh and look down. "I'm sorry honey, I know this is hard for you guys too but just give me some time ok sweety. Oh and thank you so much for the water and medicine I probably would've died if it weren't for you" she let out a groggily laugh. I looked up at her with a sad smile.

"Thanks, mom, that means a lot to me that you are trying but please look after Dylan because if anything happened to him I don't know what would happen" I frowned thinking of the worst possibilities but shook away my thoughts when my mom started talking again "Of course honey, I'm sorry" she walks over to me and hugs me and I hug her back sighing in happiness and start thinking that this year might actually be a good year.

"By the way Olivia...Why are you packing?" my mom asks while I just laugh "Oh yeah! How could I forget to tell you? Aunt Tia is inviting us to her beach house this weekend" I say excitedly "Is that so? I better be getting ready myself... oh and by the way Liv...don't you think that's a little too much clothes" she asks while smiles down at me and kissing me on the cheek before leaving to talk to Dilly real fast before she goes to pack her own stuff. Frickadoodles! I think while looking down at my luggage and see that she's right... I packed clothes for 2 months "AUHHHHH" I start throwing half the clothes in my luggage in my closet and try not to think how hard it will be to close the door...

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