Chapter Eight * Revelation

Start from the beginning

"What? It's the truth." Valerie answers her innocently.

I laugh and head back over to the bar, but instead of eating my meal. I turn the oven on a low setting and place both of our plates in to keep warm. I sit on the stool and look through my email, trying not to eavesdrop. It's impossible.

Summer crosses her arms. "Okay, Mom. Why are you here?"

I glance over and see Valerie's disposition drastically change. "I received a phone call this morning from the nursing home. Grandma has taken a turn for the worse. I didn't want to tell you over the phone. They said that she might not make it through the day." I see tears well up in Valerie's eyes, threatening to spill down her cheeks. She's trying hard to stay strong for Summer.

"What? Why didn't you start with that?"

I can't help myself; I rush over and embrace a shocked Summer. I hold her as her mother's words sink in. She starts to shake. I know that she's crying even though she's not making a sound, but her tears wet my tee-shirt. I see Valerie struggling to keep it together. I open my arms, and she doesn't hesitate to join her daughter. She places her arms around Summer and me. I stand there being a rock for these two women. My heart is heavy with their impending loss.

It was a rainy, miserable morning the day Summer said her final goodbyes to her grandmother

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It was a rainy, miserable morning the day Summer said her final goodbyes to her grandmother. I insisted on driving the three of us to see Summer's grandma when Valerie came to Summer's apartment with the devastating news.

The service was graveside underneath tents that protected us from the elements. Very few were in attendance. I had to postpone a business trip to be there for Summer. Unfortunately, I have to leave today for that trip. Summer claimed that she was doing well and insisted that I go.

Unlike past trips, I'm making it a priority to keep in touch with Summer. I send her a quick text letting her know that I landed.

Hey, Babe. I just landed in Cincinnati. I'm heading to the hotel and will be in meetings the rest of the day. I'll do my best to call you before bed if it's not too late.

She's quick to respond, and I laugh out loud at her response.

Who is this? I have to warn you; I have a boyfriend. He never texts or calls while he's away on business, so you can't be him.

I know that I have to get going, but I can't resist texting her back.

He sounds like a fortunate man who's possibly turning over a new leaf.

I see bubbles appear then disappear, only to appear again. I stand there like an idiot smiling.

Oh, he's fortunate, and so am I. I love him for turning over a new leaf on my behalf.

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