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The plane felt as though it was going down.. we must be landing.

Aurelio, for the last thirty minutes didn't say a word, as his eyes shifted back and forth from me to the window. I really want to know what happened last night, but I'm almost afraid to ask. We sat in silence for another ten minutes before the door finally opened.

He got up rather aggressively from his seat, and I debated whether I wanted to be alone with him in the car. It's a much smaller place than this plane. It wouldn't take much for him to strangle me. When the attendant came to get me, I exhaled deeply, following him to the door.

My head was still throbbing and I felt kinda weak while walking, like I would fall any second.

"Ma'am?" A man, I'm guessing another attendant held out his hand for me to take. When I reached the ground, I felt an immense amount of weight on my chest. I dreaded the walk to the car and it only felt heavier the closer I got. I shouldn't be this fearful of him but I am..

Gary opened the car door for me and I quietly thanked him, climbing inside of the tight space. Aurelio stared out the window, once again being stuck in silence. This has been the longest ride of my life. Time escaped me, but it had to be at least an hour since we left. 

Where the hell were we going.

The sun kissed my face gently when the trees weren't hiding it. Upon opening my eyes, they widened to twice its original size. A huge, and I mean gigantic house came into view, protected by an at least ten feet tall, black metal gate.

"Wow.." I couldn't help but comment. The front yard was beyond elegant, filled with bunches of white rose bushes, and a freaking fountain. I was so amazed. This house is literally bigger than the group home I was staying in, and that was built to house a hundred kids. Not to mention the vast amount of land surrounding it.

I wonder if it has a hundred bedrooms in there..

Of course not, idiot!

I sat quietly while a man, dressed in all black, carrying a rifle, walked to the car. Gary held something out for him before waving back to the small shed-like building. The gate immediately parted afterwards, and Gary cruised right on in. He stopped directly in front of the house, and again I couldn't help but gawk. Aurelio opening and closing the door snapped me out of my thoughts before Gary opened mine.

"Thank you." I responded, not breaking my eye contact from the house. I felt so out of place walking up the stairs, getting closer to the beautiful maroon doors. They were already open as Aurelio went inside.

"Welcome home sir." I heard at least four voices speak up.

"Welcome ma'am." They spoke in unison to me.

"Um, just Rose or Rosie." I smiled politely.

"Kitten!" My eyebrows furrowed as Maria walked over to me. Why is she calling me that? She hooked her arm with mine, turning to all of the staff, I assumed, dressed in similar maroon suits.

"This is Carmen and Jaxon, the maids but Jax prefers, housekeeper." I nodded as she went down the line. "Lola, my assistant cook, because of course being the head maid is a lot of work, and this is Mino, the gardener." They all smiled and bowed before leaving us. The dark-haired girl, Lola, eyes lingered on me a little longer but I ignored it. 

"Who's he?" I referred to the man, who I can see through the back glass doors. He was coming out of the pool and the water dripped off his body so perfectly as if he was shooting a cologne commercial.

"That's George, Gary's brother, they're the in house security, but just pretend he's another resident staying in the house. Come, let me show you to your room!" She gushed excitedly. We went up at least two flights of stairs before walking down the hall to a maroon door.

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