Chapter 15: The Death

Start from the beginning

I put on a forced smile and nodded .

The guards took my inside not before checking me for weapons .

Then they took me to my guest room .

I wasn't bad if I had to be honest . But I can't believe how easy it was to sneak inside .

I decide to find and explore the house .

I go out and a guard comes to me and he asks me who I am and I say I am Alex's new partner .

The guard muttered 'ah the latest sex girl' under his breath .

I don't know if the guards know but there are other words than sex girl to describe Alex's 'sex girls' .

I ask the guard where Alex is so I can go off in the opposite direction.

The guard then tells about something that happened yesterday . Apparently another guard shot Allison and her spinal cord was injured and she could never walk again and currently she was in coma.

As much as I hated that bitch my good old heart felt a ounce of pity . But the remainder of what she did to Aidan was more than enough to hate her .

I decided to see her .

Alex's POV :

Mom for some reason called me in her office .

I went there and she said : "Alex dear you know how your sister was injured and went into coma . Well I have reason to believe that guard was working for those fucking Shadows .
But that's not why I called you . I need you to kill Allison".

I looked at her dumbstruck at what she said . I have never been this shocked in my life .

Did I hear that right , her biological mother was asking me to kill her only daughter .

She continued : "I talked to the doctors and they said that her nervous system was severely damaged , so she will never wake up again . And I can't have my daughter suffering for the rest of her life . It's a hard decision and I can't be the one to do it and I don't want a stranger to do it so I chose you . I know you loved her , but please do it for her . And make it quick".

Mom since the time I have known her had tears in her eyes for the first time .

She didn't have to tell me twice . I smirk at the thought of finally killing Allison .

Thank god I have been waiting for this moment itching for it and now mom practically gave me the green card .

I was darkly laughing at the thought that mom thought I would hesitate to kill her .

I put on a sad face and nodded .

Since I was going to kill Allison I might as well put on my mask .

I did what I thought and went to the medical room.

Allison was laying on the bed in a forever sleep and I was about to make it permanent.

I said : "So long sister , I have to say I will enjoy killing you , but it's said that I have to make it quick , but nonetheless i was the one who killed you , goodbye sis love Alex"

I say and then I shot her in the head and Allison Dangerman was no more .

She's finally dead . Good riddance!

Although I will miss annoying the fuck out of her but all good things must come to an end .

I turn around and see a girl I have never seen before . She had black hair , a red dress and blue eyes . She was your average hot girl .

Shit !!! She must have heard what I said !!

I have to kill her !!!


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And before you ask yes Allison , the Allison that killed Aidan is dead and no there is no chance that she is alive . She dead dead .

See you soon ,
Bye !

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