~chapter 1~

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There will be: violence, mention of blood, mild swearing.


3rd person pov:

There, in the waterfall near the mountain was a stunning lioness with the most gorgeous and purist white fur that anyone has ever seen with sparkling blue eyes that shined brighter then the moon could ever, Waking up before the sun can rise from her slumber.

The lioness yawns as she stretched her limbs and flutter the sleep out of her eyes. She carefully stepped out of the cave to get water, trying her best not to wake any of her pride members up.

She sighs as she walked towards the watering hole but suddenly stops.

"Hmm, maybe I should take a little stroll to the pridelands watering hole." she whispers to herself. She turned around and walks her way towards the pridelands.


"So thirsty." The white lioness thinks as she gulps the water. She looks around to see if anyone is near by before hopping on a rock and laying down. I little nap won't hurt, she thinks.

Sometime later>>>

The lionesses eyes widened in pain and shock as she felt a pull on her tail. What the hell? She jumped away to see the culprit who pulled her tail was non other then this stupid crocodile, Makuu.

"Makuu, do you want to die? " She growled bearing her canines and standing in a fighting position.

"Ha like you, a lioness, can ever beat me." Makuu smuggling repiled.

"You wanna bet, croc?" She said with a smirk.

"Lets see what you say when I slash the shit out of you." She breaths out.

Does this bloody crocodile think he can beat her? Hell no.

She looked at him in the eye and bagan backing away slowly

"Wow, Running away already? Thought you said you're gonna show me-"

He got cut him off by her leaping forward, grabbing ahold of him by his neck, flipping him around and digging my claws into his belly.

He roars(?) In pain as she digs her claws deeper.

I feel his body gives out and let him go.

"Aww, what happened? You lost by the first attack? Pathetic." she says grinning to herself.

"Leave makuu." she yawned tirdly.

"F-fine you wont b-be lucky next time" he stammers and swims away.

She looked down at her bloody paws in satisfaction. Humming to herself as she looked around to see the sun coming out. It looks... beautiful. She sees pide rock far from here. Dad said not to be late but it'll only take a few minutes to explore. She walks towards it but then heard a sound in the bushes. Usually she would ignore such things but it was shaking a bit to violently. She slowly got closer until-

"COWABANGA!" A honey bager came flying in her face.

"Who the-" she was cut of by a hippo stomping her way. She quickly moved flinging the bager of herself making the hippo stumbled down the hill with him.

Oof my bad. She thinks.

"Oh goodness, are you okay?" she turns to see a bird flying next to her.

"Yes im okay thanks." she replies with a small smile.

"Ono whos this?" she lookes to see a cheetah followed by a lion a... Fine ass lion.

"Wow you're a white lion! oh and sorry for bumping into ya." The honey badger came up the hill, dusting himself.

"I guess so haha and nah its fine."

"Hi im Kion, leader of the lion guard,
and prince of the pride lands."

"Its a pleasure meeting you kion, im y/n". She greeted back bowing. She didnt want him to know just who she is...yet.

Kions pov:

The guard and i were on petrol when Bungar shouted.

"Race you to the watering hole, Beshte!" he then took off.

"W-wait Bunga". Beshte called, running after him.

"Here we go again." Ono said flying, followed by me and fuli.

We were calling Bunga and Beshte but heard  no answer.

"Ono check where they are." i command.

"On it."

Ono went up searching for them and spotted them. We followed him there.

When me and fuli got there he asked someone if they're okay and fuli and i looked at eachother. Then a silky voice answered. Wow who is that?

"Ono who's this?" Fuli asked walking towards her but i stopped and looked at her. she was so magnificent and alluring. She had white fur with blue beautiful eyes not to mention a angelic voice then banga came up the hill and said-

"Wow your a white lion! Oh and sorry for bumping into ya."

"I guess so and nah its fine."she replied him.

I finally got out of my daze and introduce myself.

"Hi im Kion, leader of the lion garurd, and prince of the pride lands. "

"Its a pleasure meeting you Kion. I'm y/n" she said bowing.

"Please, there is no need to bow." I said. She looked a bit stunned and i realized.

"Oh sorry i m-mean would you want to be my-our friend." I realized I almost forgot about them.

"Of course i would love to."she said with a big smile i blushed and looked away.

y/n pov:

"Of course i would love to." I said. I mean there was nothing wrong with being his friend and i find him charming.

I saw the cute prince blush and looked away. I mentally smirked and wanted to tease him but he said something.

"So you dont look from around here, where are you from?" He asks.

"Oh im from (wilds name) im just taking a walk trying to relax a bit ya' know."

"I see well this is-" he introduced the lion guard to me.

"Oh well its getting late i must go now." I said about to leave when he stepped infront of me

"Wait when will i see you again?" He asks.

I leaned in and whispered "tomorrow morning" i pulled away and winked then ran away.

Kion pov:

She winked and ran.

I felt my fur lifted with heat. What is this feeling?

"Ooo~someone has a crush~" I hear Bunga say snapping me away from my thoughts.

"Pfft. What no. No we just met I can't have feeling for her." I said walking to pride rock while they all 'gossips' behinds me.

Ohh boyyy
💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜Yooo hope you liked it and please leave some comments

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