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   𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐅𝐓. It's a phrase Emmeleia had heard many times over the years, but she never understood the meaning of it. How could one be cursed with a gift? How could something positively be discredited by the whole world simply because it was different?

It had been centuries since the first Forsaken had been sent to Beiyiqi. No one knew what happened to those that arrived at the island, because those who went would never come back and those that had not been sent would never arrive. It was a mysterious island that could only be reached by those with a Forsaken gift.

The only thing that the world knew about Beiyiqi was who led and taught at the institute. The High Daoshi was the headmistress and according to old tales immortal. Rumours said that there had only been one High Daoshi for as long as Beiyiqi had been the home of the Forsaken, but there could be no truth tied to it. The Diocesan were the professors at the institute, all specialised in their own gift and the subject they taught.

Long, long ago, the five leaders of each nation had made the decision to send every Forsaken to a remote island after they were deemed too dangerous to live amongst the other benders. They'd decided that the Forsaken couldn't control their gifts well enough and they could inflict serious harm upon others. The tradition of sending the Forsaken born from the same year to Beiyiqi on the first day of the new year had been set in stone from that day forward.

Emmeleia hadn't celebrated the Lunar New Year as she'd the last seventeen years. The year of the Rooster had come and gone and today was the first day of the year of the Dog. Today was also the day that those born in the year of the Dragon eighteen years ago with a Forsaken gift would be banished to Beiyiqi.

Emmeleia was born as an airbender to Jungney and Nahn Dawa. She was their only daughter amongst six sons; Romeo, Raider, Ruben, Rylan, Rohan and Raphael. However, she was also the only child to shock the Southern Air Temple when one day she'd brought a wolf with her into town.

Airbenders were known to have either a familiar or could chi-block as their Forsaken gift. A familiar was an animal which shared the feelings of their chosen Forsaken and generally did their bidding, although not even the Forsaken could force their familiar to do something against their will. The stronger the gift, the stronger the familiar. Which is why it came as even more of a shock when the six-year-old, weak airbender had found her wolf familiar.

She'd named the wolf Naya and took her everywhere she was allowed to take her. Unfortunately, school wasn't one of those places and neither were her ballet lessons. Nahn had been thrilled when Emmeleia wanted to take on ballet lessons as it was Nahn's favourite sport and she'd secretly always hoped. She had not anticipated, however, that Emmeleia would've been rather terrible at it compared to herself.

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑭𝑶𝑹𝑺𝑨𝑲𝑬𝑵 | 𝑎𝑡𝑙𝑎Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant