8: Frightening The Unwanted Visitors (C)

Start from the beginning


I looked at this self important little earl.

Is his head empty or is his head empty?

Tsk. I can even lie and give a decent option.

I mean, can't he notice how I look like the duke and duchess. My features are there for a reason, you know.

And I have a luxurious dress, a servant can't have things like these, alright.

And I just sat between the duke and duchess without them scolding me. Furthermore, by sitting here, my features are more noticeably like theirs.

The hell he is calling a servant's child?! I am clearly the one and only Missy, okay?!

"Presumptuous!" My dad said while slamming the table. Their it is, the lion has been released.

Then I realized, dad is a yandere when it involves us, his family. I thought it was only to mom.

Tsk. I shouldn't have compared him to my past former father.

I grabbed his hand that made him look at me, I shook my head and mouthed him that I'll deal with them.

He sat but didn't retract his unleashed killing intent.

The ones opposite us is visibly drenched in cold sweat.

"Oh My~ I haven't introduced my self, right?" I giggled.

I hopped off the couch and landed in a graceful way. I curtsied with my back straight.

"Greetings to Earl Doll and his entourage. I am the first daughter of the De Viltrex Dukedom." I said and then stood straight.

I didn't say my name because I simply don't have a name!

I also used I am than My name is because this shows my confidence and pride.

My parents flinched because they noticed what I want to say to them.

Which is...

I f*cking don't have a name, so give me a name!


I pity my nameless self.

To forget my grief of not having a name, I faced this banana man who has a pale countenance.

"So Mr. Banana Man, make your choice. Leave or stay?" I said sweetly.

And, his paleness flew with the wind and was replaced by an angry one.

"Who are you calling a banana man?"

"Oh! You've noticed only now? I've been calling you that for a while so I thought you're okay with it? I mean, you're tall, have a bright blonde hair and a green suit. You look like someone who is imitating a banana tree." I said tilting my head to the side.

"You're so unrespectful! You should call me Earl Doll, not you or banana man!"

"Thanks." I said with a smile. All of them became confused because of my answer. Like, who in their right mind would thank those who insulted them?

"That wasn't a compliment, brat."

Lol. He just snapped, he called a duke's daughter a brat.

Right. My comeback.

"But for me it is a compliment. You see, being unrespectful is one my charms."

That have a dumbfounded expressions after that. Then father and mother made a poker face but their shoulders are obviously shaking because of their stifled laughter.

My brothers snickered but quickly hid it with a poker face. The servants covered their mouth while the head butler and head maid coughed to hide the smile and laughter threatening to come out.

The earl and his companions have a fuming face.

It's nice messing up with them but it's time to end this.

My aura abruptly changed.

I activated one of my ability as a Fallen.

Dark Charisma.

This ability changes my aura into what I want but, it has to be in the category of dark. Just like, intimidation, bloodlust, sovereign's pressure, cold and the others I can also enhance or further strengthen the chosen aura if I want to.

The cute and sweet aura around me changed into a cold and intimidating one.

"You know what Earl Doll, I really don't like repeating my questions four times. So I'll ask you for the third time, leave or stay?" I asked with my monotone voice.

I observed that everyone flinched on my sudden change, must've been them shivering from my aura and tone.

" Earl Doll, do you still need more time to consider?" I also asked, throwing what he said to my dad a while ago back then.

I narrowed my eyes making him more pale than he currently is.


"You?" I said with my eyebrows raised.

I saw him gulp and then took a deep breath.

"I'll stay!" He declared. His eyes was full of determination and pride but not that strong like before, instead, it also has some fear mixed in it.

How pathetic. Did he think that by declaring it that loud with determination, his offer will be accepted? How naive.

"Remember your choice, Earl Doll." I said in a slow creepy voice.

I smirked a bloodthirsty one.

The aura around me changed into a crazed and bloodthirsty one.

Finally, I can destroy this fools.

Before they can react. I lunged at the Earl and unleashed one of my Fallen Ability.

Weapon Wielder.

This ability gives me a precise and perfect control in any weapons. I can also make anything I hold, even if it is an insignificant thing, a weapon. For example, even if I use a twig, I can wield it into a sharp sword and cut my enemies like tofu. I will also be a master in any weapon even if it is the first time I held or used it.

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