ᴹᵘˢᶦᶜᵃˡ ᴱⁿᵗᶦᵗʸ

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(Y/N)'s POV
At (Y/N)'s House
I was home alone, yes, alone. I was a cold-blooded killer obsessed with music, and whenever I killed someone I would always write, "Your Screams Are Music To My Ears", cheesy yes, but, my parents suspected absolutely nothing. That's what made it the easiest, but the hardest thing was trying to get the other's in the house of my victim's to not call the police. (I mean who wouldn't ;-;)

I was playing the most recent song I had created. You see.....I always wanted to be taken in by Slenderman. So I was playing "Scared Of You - The Slenderman Song". I knew he'd make me feel welcome, but he isn't real, he's only.....a myth.....or so I thought. But that's another story for another day....I needed to kill right about now, luckily my parents just came home, Mum....Dad.....I hope you're ready.......

"Sweetie! We're home!" my mother called.


"Sweetie?"she called again.

.....still nothing.....

Moments later I came down hiding a dagger in my pocket. They weren't ready for what's to come.....

"Ah there you are-" she was cut off, I stabbed her, it was the end for her....but my father called the cops....I was angry...no......I was FURIOUS. Once I heard the sirens I went up to my room packed my stuff, I carried other things.....I couldn't leave my instruments here. Once that was done I jumped out the window, earning a jolting pain up both my legs.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!" I yelled, but I kept on running....I wouldn't stop....I had to go. I HAD TO KEEP RUNNING. Who knows what they might do..put me in a mental hospital....an asylum maybe? (I dunno ┐( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)┌) I just don't want to be caught....not again...oh...you haven't heard the story of when I was caught....have you? Well let me enlighten you.

I was walking around the streets, when I heard a faint voice, yes that's right, a voice. It sounded raspy, like someone in their mid-forties? I went into the building to see the man, he's alone, so what gives, I'll kill him and it'll be over with, but there was someone....watching. I went up to the man, spoke to him softly.....then....I got him.....I stabbed him...writing the message from the "Mysterious Killer". When I was done....I heard heavy breathing. 'Did I hear that before?", no, I didn't hear it......then I heard loud footsteps....they were....RUNNING. I ran after them, dagger in hand, once they were visible, I chucked it at them, they screamed. (Duh 🙄) I laughed...like a maniac.....they looked so helpless! I loved it! I then wrote the text that's all over the news...my text. Then I ran....I ran until I couldn't run anymore...then I let it all out....I laughed for minutes....I got strange looks, but I didn't care.....

Sorry It's short! Also...
CLIFFHANGER BAHAHAHAHAHA.....I am an evil spirit. Wait for the next part!

Bye my Weebs!


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