"Th- That's fine, you don't have to tell me," Y/N assured, not wanting to make her aunt uncomfortable. "I'll just call them at the bus station."

She was surprised when her aunt brought her in for a tight hug. "You're welcome to stay until you can all go back together. You don't have to leave."

Y/N let out a shaky breath and hugged back. "I know. And I really do appreciate what you've done for me. But I'd really like to go home."

Few more words were exchanged between the two and Y/N bid goodbye to everyone in the house. She sent texts to her other cousins and aunts, letting them know she'd be going back home.

The only thing left was to call her parents, which she was dreading. But conversation with them had to come at some point.

Y/N's mother gasped at her daughters name on her phone, quickly grabbing her husband's attention and answering the call.


"I left my aunt's house, I'm going home. I hope that's not a problem," Y/N said in the calmest voice possible, yet the venom was apparent.

"No, not a problem. But you'll miss-"

"I'd rather not do all the religious parts of the grieving process," she interrupted, knowing what was on schedule. "S- Sorry, I didn't mean to sound rude by interrupting," she quickly added.

There was a long pause on the other end of the phone.

"Is Keiji-kun planning on visiting this week?" her dad's voice suddenly spoke.

"We planned on it but all this happened. I was going to ask him to just stay home since-"

"We won't be staying at home for at least the next week. He's welcome to go over, and you should take the opportunity," her mother offered. 

Y/N stayed quiet for a bit, considering her options. "I'll let you know what I decide, then," she said finally. "Stay safe." She hung up the call without letting her parents get another word in.

Keiji couldn't stand the feeling something was horribly wrong.

Y/N barely ever replied to his texts, never answering his questions about how she actually was doing. He was completely in the dark and it drove him crazy. He held off going to her friends until Thursday night. He called Ennoshita, hoping he would be able to catch him at a time where Y/N was with him.

"Ennoshita? Hey, I don't mean to bother you but is Y/N with you? I haven't really talked to her lately and I was hoping I could hear from her." Akaashi said as steadily as he could. But his hand trembled as it held the phone to his ear.

"No, you're not bothering at all. Um, you haven't spoken to Y/N?" Ennoshita rubbed a hand over his jaw, already mentally scolding his best friend for not being honest with her boyfriend.

"Not really, except for a few words here and there. She just avoids anything I ask her and tells me she's fine and we'll talk later.. but later never comes. Is she okay?"

Ennoshita held in a saddened sigh and prayed telling Akaashi was the right thing to do. "Well she is fine, in a sense. She's staying at her aunt's place in Sendai right now."

"W- What, why? Did something happen?" Only the worst was going through his mind.

"Her grandmother passed away Monday morning. She didn't find out until Tuesday after she got to Sendai and had to go to all the services and stuff."

I'm Here //IWBFDYT 2// {k. akaashi x fem!reader}Where stories live. Discover now