Showdown in Pewter City!

Start from the beginning

"Elly, where are you going?!"

"What's wrong with her?!"

("I smell your mom's cooking!")

"My mom?!? She can't be in Pewter City can she!?"

However, the nourishment that the female Pikachu smelled held a similarity to our heroine's mother's cooking. Was actually food prepared by a young man who looked to be taking care of children who possess a striking resemblance to him.

 Was actually food prepared by a young man who looked to be taking care of children who possess a striking resemblance to him

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"Now that's what I call a hard worker," Misty said, impressed.

"Sorry Elly, it may smell like mom's cooking, but it's actually some guy preparing food for his-"

"Siblings. That guy right there is Brock the Gym Leader. And those are his nine brothers and sisters that he takes care of." Flint said, walking towards the girls.

Ashley, Mosty, and Flint leave and walk towards the Gym, with Flint telling Ashley that Brock's skills could see him go further than just being the gym leader. However, he can't leave as he has to look after his siblings after his 'good-for-nothing' father left to become a Pokémon Trainer and his mother abandoned the family.

"That's tough. I feel bad for the guy."

"I do too. But at least now we're at the Gym. You better go earn that Badge, Ash."


And so, the two girls entered the building as Flint went away, having to take care of some 'business

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And so, the two girls entered the building as Flint went away, having to take care of some 'business.' Nevertheless, the inside was completely dark where it seemed as if nobody was around. Until a voice was heard.

"Who goes there?" As the lights turned on. And illuminating the inside of the building is Brock Harrison, the Pewter City Gym Leader who made his appearance.

"My name is Ashley Ketchum from Pallet Town. And I'm a Pokemon Trainer here to challenge you for the Boulder Badge."

"Is this your first Gym Match? Cause you must know that they're different from other battles. This match is for Pokemon League authorization. And there are special rules. Such as in this Gym Battle, it'll be a two-on-two Pokemon battle. Understood?"

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