Disco party

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*Cheryl's Pov*

Since I'm home alone I think it's only best if I have a mini jam session to myself. The neighbors are certainly not going to be pleased. Oh well their problem. I get dressed in some shorts I found and an oversized t-shirt. I throw my hair in a somewhat bun and grab my speaker. I grab my led-light controller and put it on rainbow. If I'm going to do this might as well do it right. I start to blast Girlfriend by Heavyweight. As I'm singing along to the song I hear a knock on my door.  I open it to see my neighbor Toni. She's a total nerd with no friends but she's still really pretty. I wouldn't say I fallen for her but maybe if we hung out I would. Who am I kidding? I'm head over heels for the girl.

"Can you not blast your music so loud." She says with a very annoyed eye roll.

"It's not a disco party without loud music."

"Well disco a little quieter I'm trying to watch Netflix."

"No but I can do something else." Before she can respond I pull her in my house and lock the door. I pull her all the way up to my room and start to dance.

"What are you doing! You basically just kidnapped me! I'm going home." She turns and tries to walk away but I block her path and dance everywhere she tries to move. "Let me go home!" I shake my head no and smile while still dancing. "Please just have fun with me. Pretty please with a big red cherry on top." She rolls her eyes with a huff and plops on my bed. "I'm not dancing but I will stay to amuse you I guess." I'm gonna get her dancing wether she likes it or not.

I stop dancing with a huff. I walk over and press pause on the speaker. "Toni please dance with me." She doesn't look at me and grabs a book off my nightstand. "You can read? That's surprising." She laughs a little to herself when she says this. I walk over and snatch the book out of her hands. "Dance with me now." She shakes her head no and pulls out her phone. I snatch that too.

"Why do you want me to dance with you so bad? It's never that serious."

"Please. Your already here."

"You kidnapped me!"

"Besides the point. Just dance."

"You couldn't pay me to dance with you."

I sigh and sit on the bed with her. She shuffles closer to the headboard. I scoot closer to her and look her dead in the eye. Her breath hitches and she stares at me back. "What?" I didn't wanna go this far but she forced it outta me. I let the pout do it's rain of terror with it's partner in crime, the puppy eyes. She looks down at the pout and back up to my eyes. "Put the pout away it's not gonna work." This only causes me to pull the pout out more. She closes  her eyes and opens them again hoping I would disappear. "Please Toni? Pretty pwease." She lets out a sigh.

"Fine just put away the pout. Please it's killing me."

"Yaaayyy thank you." I say as I peck her lips. Wait what?! I did what?!? I stop moving and widen my eyes when I realize what I've done. I turn to face her and she's realizing what I did. "Oh my god. I'm super duper sorry. I didn't mean to. I swear I didn't mean to. It's just that your really pretty and I've been in love with for sometime now and ugghhh. You know what it's fine you can go home now." Great job Cheryl you scared her away. I finally meet her eyes and she's smirking. "I said you can go home now. You don't have to stay here." She gets up and walks towards the speaker. She presses play and walks over to me. I hang my head down, afraid of looking at her. She tips my head up and smiles.

"I think I'll take that dance."

"But I thought that you never wanted to dance with me?"

"You know for a pretty girl your really clueless."

"You t-t-think I'm p-p-pretty?"

"Yes I absolutely do." Before I can say anything she gently presses her lips on mine. I quickly respond by moving my lips against hers. When she pulls away I give her a signature pout. "Stop it. Don't do that." She huffs and pecks my lips but when she pulls away I smile. "You should totally accept my offer to let me love you unconditionally." I say while resting my forehead against hers. "Hell yeah I'm accepting that offer." She says with a giggle. I smile and peck her lips once more before I start dancing again. She rolls her eyes with a smile then starts dancing with me.


Sorry for the inactivity I promise to try and update more. Also srry it's short.

Until next time

~swagy author💫

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