The Girl Next Door

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**Cheryl's Pov**

The girl next door is all I think about. She was the most popular girl in school. By far the most beautiful. We have been neighbors since middle school. Im pretty sure she doesn't even know who I am. She has perfectly natural tanned skin, beautiful long brown hair, slight freckles going across her nose, the most amazing smile, perfect lips which I bet taste just as good as she looks, and just a bit taller than me. She's not mean at all well from what I can gather from our one conversation. I know I don't stand a chance so I just admire and love her from afar.

I'm sitting on my roof thinking about her. Toni Topaz. Luckily for me she's in her room and I can see her from her window. She's working on homework I already finished a couple hours ago. She occasionally goes on her phone but returns to the task at hand. I look at the car who has pulled up outside my house. I wait for whoever to get out and do something other than look creepy. Once they step out I realize it's my mom and dad. They must've took an uber somewhere. My parents aren't all that bad it's just they show little love for me. They mostly focus on each other than me which still kinda hurts. At least they give me a roof over my head, clothes, money, food, a car and everything else a teen needs. The only thing they're missing is love. But it's ok I've learnt to deal with it almost.

"Cheryl get down here! Come see the things I bought for your mother." My father shouts. This isn't uncommon, she gets like twenty new things every two weeks and rarely get me things during their little shopping sprees. I hope they got me some new things too. I climb off the roof and head downstairs. "Let me see Ma." She shows me all the new necklaces and shoes. I tell them how pretty they are and stand there awkwardly. "So did I get anything?" They look up at me and think hard. "Oh yeah in that bag over there." My mother gestures to a bag and to my surprise it's full of things. I walk over and search through the bag. It's full of clothes and art supplies. They actually remembered what I like. "Omg thanks guys!" I run over to hug them but they stop me. "We're not in the mood to hug. Sorry cherbear." I nod my head but happily walk over to the bag again.

I rush upstairs and quickly put up the clothes. I spot my dog, Marley. She opens her eyes and runs over to me. "Hey Marley." I laugh as she licks my face and plays with me. I really love this dog. She's my best friend. I don't really have friends at school I don't know why but people never talked to me unless they were asking me something. I guess you can say I don't speak unless spoken to. It's ok Marley is always there when I need her.

**Toni's Pov**

I just finished this crappy homework when I look out my window and see her. Cheryl Blossom is literally everything I look for in a lover. She's smart, beautiful with and without make-up, goofy when she's comfortable, and isn't into popularity and fame. At school every one thinks she's an outcast but that's because she's uncomfortable at school. Like right now she's comfortable at home with Marley, in her crew neck and sweats. She can be herself without anyone judging her. And that I find adorable. I decide today is the day that I actually talk to her. I open my window and call her name. When she hears it she looks at me and smile. Now I can get used to waking up to that every morning. Her dog starts barking at me and she gives me an apologetic look. "Marley that's not nice. Say sorry." I laugh a little and stare at her. The dog actually barks a little low sound that sounds like she's actually saying sorry. "Your forgiven." I reply. Her mother calls her name and she waves goodbye and closes her window. I need to talk to her again. After thinking for a bit I decide to head to her house and ask her if she wanted to hang out. That is if she wants to at least.

After cleaning up my room for a little I look over to see Cheryl in her closet. Singing along to some song that I can't hear since her window is closed. She pulls out a red tube top and black sweats. She continues to sing and dance with Marley. She closes her curtains to get dressed I'm guessing. I go downstairs and grab my keys and shoes. I walk my way over to her front doorstep and knock. Her mother opens the door and within a few seconds her father appears. They both shout at her from upstairs and she comes down with her hands in her pockets. She has a red tube top on, black sweats, perfect red hair in a messy bun, no makeup which she still looks beautiful, and custom red and black butterfly Air Force 1's. WOW. She's perfect.

"Hey Toni what's up?"

"Oh I was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk or something. You can bring Marley." I say giggling. She does too and looks at her parents. "Yeah you can go. We were going at to eat anyway." She smiles and calls Marley downstairs. She comes running downstairs and she grabs the leash of a key hook. She hooks it on Marley and steps outside waving goodbye at her parents. Only the mom waves by back but she still seems happy.

"Where to first?" She asks.

"Any where you want I just wanted to hang out with you." She blushes then focus on Marley.

"How about the park?"

"Sure let's go."

She smiles and I smile back. We are walking in comfortable silence when I decide to do something risky. She's humming a song which I guess is the song she was getting dressed to earlier. I intertwine our fingers and give it a squeeze while looking at her. She blushes and squeezes back. I smile and so does she then she goes back to humming her song. "What song are you humming to?" She stops and looks at me and blushes in embarrassment. "The Beauty and the Beast soundtrack." I laugh and she does too. "Actually that's my favorite Disney movie." I say. "Mine too." She replies. We reach the park and find a place to sit down in the grass. She unhooks Marley's leash and lets her roam freely. When she sits back down I intertwine our hands again causing her to blush.

"Your adorable when you blush." I say while laughing.

"Thanks." She says while blushing harder.

We point out different clouds to each other and share a lot of laughs. Marley comes back to us and lays next to Cheryl in the grass. I decide to do something a little more risky. "Can you like sit where you back is to my front. I've always wanted to do that to someone." I ask shyly. She giggles and laughs a little. "Sure. Honestly I have too." She repositions herself so that her back is to my front. I wrap my arms around her waist and tickle her from time to time. We point out more shaped clouds. By this time she's fully comfortable with me and is very goofy. Another hour passes and I decide to make my final move. She points at a cloud and looks back at me to make sure I'm listening. Before she can whip her head back around I cup her face and kiss her. She immediately kisses back and I couldn't be happier.

**Cheryl's Pov**
It's finally happening!! I've always wanted to kiss her and she kissed me first! Does this mean that she feels the same way or that it's just the heat of the moment? She breaks the kiss and looks at me

"Wow." Is all I manage to say.

"I was gonna say that." I laugh a little and she smiles.

"So this was secretly a date and I wanted to ask you if you wanted be my girlfriend?" She asks intertwining her fingers with mine.

"Of course I want would love to be your girlfriend."

I smile and so does she. She kisses me again before we stand up. I put Marley back on her leash and we walk home hand in hand talking about anything and everything. It's so crazy just earlier today I was admiring her from afar and now I can love her up close.


Look at me two in one day😎

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~swagy author🧸

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