022. do you need anything?

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lennon sat on the chair as vinnie slept, him not knowing she was there yet. jordan had let her in then left to leave the two alone, hoping they could talk some things out. but in a few hours, vinnie's parents would be arriving, meaning they didnt have much time to themselves.

a small sigh slipped past lennon's lip as she looked over at vinnie again, her eyes darting to the thick bandages around his arms. she shifted uncomfortably before finally finding a comfortable spot in the stiff chair. she laid her head against it before closing her eyes.

vinnie slowly awoke, shifting awkwardly from the pain in his arms. he glanced over at the chair beside the bed, expecting to see jordan, only to see lennon. he quickly sat up, alerting lennon that he was awake.

"hey" she mumbled softly. vinnie could easily notice how tired she looked, how her voice was just slightly hoarse and how upset she had looked. "..lennon im sorry" he started. "i didnt want you to see me like that and.. i didnt want you to worry about me like you did, i just wanted you to b-"

"v, im not mad at you and im not upset with you okay? im just glad your okay"

"you shouldn't have had to see me like that lennon, im sorry. i didnt mean to hur-" he was cut off as her lips pressed to his, instantly making him smile.

"i hate apologies" she stated. "but you should accept them when their necessary" he raised an eyebrow. "this one isn't necessary thought"

"stop being so nice" he said. "so, do you need anything?" she asked quietly. "yes, extremely bad" he nodded. "as in what?"

"affection" he smiled. "vincent, im being serious"

"so am i"

"seriously, do you need anything?"

"yes, affection"

"im gonna give you the slap of a lifetime when you get out if you keep playing"

"im being serious! all i want is affection. now please come cuddle with me" he said while opening his arms. "no"

"why not?"

"cause your h-"

"blah blah blah. the only thing that hurts, is my arms and to cuddle, i dont technically need them" he shrugged. "you literally have pain meds right beside you" she pointed out. "i dont like those"

"its not like they have a taste" she laughed. "no but they make me tired"

"they have pain meds that dont make you tired. so if the doctor gave you the ones that do, what is thay meant to tell you?" she asked. "that i need more sleep" he rolled his eyes. "im serious vinnie"

"how about, i take them, if you cuddle with me?" he smiled. "i mean, you did kiss me. i wouldnt mind if you kissed me again. maybe that will make the pain go away" vinnie finished.

"i hate you"

"is that so?"

she rolled her eyes before laying beside him, placing her head carefully on his chest as he smiled. she traced soft patterns along his chest as he closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling.

when she stopped, he looked down slightly. "do that again, it feels nice" he whined as she let out a laugh. she continued tracing patterns along him for some time until he felt her stop once more.

he glanced down to see her sleeping against him, making him smile.

grace rambles ~
k but 3 more chapters till
next book

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