Reacting to you being Bullied

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Jin- his 1st option is comforting you and then going to the principle because he want you to feel safe instead of trusting those people at your school

Yoongi-he will immediately go to the bullies and beat them up and then go to you and ask calmly what happened and why it did.

Jhope- will give a  dark glare at the leader and give them a letter and they will run away

RM- even thought he will want to kill them his 1st priority is you and then make them guilty of what they done.

Jimin- He will give a death glare to them and feel a little guilty that he didn't find out sooner. When you guys go home he will pamper you and make you feel loved then hatred.

Taehyung- He will take you home and heal you bruises they gave you and cuddle and give kisses to you all day. Then the next day go to them and teach them a lesson.

Jungkook- he will immediately beat them up in front of you and then go to the principle about it. But then will be soft and gentle with you like you are made of glass and stay with you 24/7

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