Start from the beginning

And even though she had only known him for a day, she didn't want him to hate her. She wanted to be his friend.

She passed another familiar face; the girls auburn hair flapping as she struggled to hold her books, and her brown eyes that were shadowed in mischief.


10 months ago

Aella worked in Shadow-High Flowers, a place low on customers and high on rudeness. As she walked through, an unfamiliar face caught her eye, and she noticed her looking at carnations, "those are a beautiful selection, if you decide them."

"It's strange you work in plants, considering your a mind fairy." The girl said bluntly, turning to smile at Aella, carnations in hand.

Aella lifted an eyebrow, slightly offended, "excuse me?"

The girl dropped the carnation, and with a flick of her hand, she pushed over a cup filled with water. Aella jumped forward, her hand outstretched. The cup stopped midway, and she slowly moved it back onto the table.

A laugh left the girl, and she surrounded the mind fairy with mischief in the air, "that was... accurate."

Aella's eyes didn't leave the cup, her body still leaned forward and hand frozen into the air. She felt the girl behind her, her breath on her neck. The cup barely lifted in the air before shooting towards the two, Aella jumping to the side in a hurry as the girl got splattered with water.

"How was that?"

Her blood boiled as Beatrix stopped mid-step, eyeing her old friends shocked look. The same old smirk grew on her face, her head turning to the familiar silhouette of Riven, "he's cute."

Aella's mouth dropped open, her fists clenching in her hands. She didn't know whether to punch the girl or go find the boy. Beatrix continued walking, a low chuckle echoing the halls. Aella stood still, watching her leave.

Dealing with Beatrix had to be prolonged for another day, she was here for Riven.

She waited a few more moments before turning back on her heel, stomping towards the delinquent boy, "hey loner, you all alone out here?"

"Not anymore."

She smelled the smoke quickly, "you just refuse to listen to me, don't you?"

"Why should I listen to someone I don't even know?"

"Because that's how you meet them." The mind fairy shot back, smiling at the specialist boy.

Riven rolled his eyes, pushing the joint towards her, but she shook her head. Riven pushed himself off the pole, "come on, you've never even tried it."

"I also haven't tried open heart surgery, yet I know I'm not exactly cut out for it."

Riven sighed, "so I'm going to take that as a maybe?" He blew smoke into her face, backing up as she coughed in disgust.

"I think you forced enough people to do something against their will today," she replied, clearing her throat. She took the cigarette from his hand, dropping it to the floor and stomping on it.

Riven didn't even get angry this time, he was actually surprised she didn't do it earlier, "I see your angry about the whole first-year-alcohol thing."

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