Authors note

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Hey you guys! So I've gotten a few messages on why no one can access my story, and I'm so sorry for the inconvenience.

So, I had read through Bitter Honey, and I decided that I would unpublish the story and edit it to how I wanted to.

Just to let you know, 'I might have stolen a truck' has changed at the very end, and that is a huge cliffhanger ending that if you have already read, you probably want to just scroll all the way down and read it.

As I promised the ones who messaged me, it is March 20th and the story is back up. I understand if you don't want to go through and read my edits, because I'm not even sure if I could do that. But if you do, I hope their better for you.

Thank you all for your love and support, and please, let people know about my stories.

If anyone finds out about the second season of Winx Saga before me, please comment or message me about it.

I promise the second season version of this will be amazing for you all, maybe even better.

Enjoy my story! And again, I apologize for the inconvenience.

(Ps. If there's any other movies/shows that you want me to fanfiction, I may do it if you offer any. I have so much enjoyed writing this story.)

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