CHAPTER 11 Home for Christmas

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There was only one more Quidditch game before Christmas, during which Ravenclaw played against Hufflepuff, and won. Then, before they knew it, all leaves had fallen from the trees in the Dark Forest, and the school suddenly blossomed with Christmas decorations. Soon, tiny glimmering snowflakes were falling merrily from the enchanted ceiling in the Great Hall, and twelve gigantic Christmas trees were brought in by Hagrid, the groundskeeper.

On the 23rd of December, the Hogwarts Express was waiting at Hogsmeade station, ready to take on board those students who had chosen to return home for Christmas. They were having an unusually early breakfast before that morning's departure. Bright, cold sunlight shone through the enchanted ceiling. The Great Hall, usually buzzing, was rather sleepy, and mostly filled with yawns and the clinking of cutlery.

Draco, Theodore and Crabbe, who were spending their Christmas break together, were very excitedly making plans for their holidays.

'I can't wait,' said Theodore, 'your house is wicked, Draco.'

Draco smiled, looking very pleased with himself, while Crabbe nodded eagerly with his mouth full of toast.

'My parents will be throwing a big party, as usual,' Draco said casually.

Daphne looked at him sideways. 'Do you have anything else to talk about besides your family, Draco?' she asked gloomily. Her hair was a mess, and she had pillow creases on her cheek.

Draco looked at her defensively. 'Why are you all cranky?' he asked. 'You're invited.'

Daphne shrugged. She had indeed been invited but had carefully avoided that topic for the past few weeks, probably because she didn't want to make Alice feel jealous. Hardly did she realise that the last thing Alice wanted was to share Christmas crackers with Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. Pansy, on the other hand, was on cloud nine.

'Last year the Minister for Magic was there,' she said, beyond excited. 'I can't wait, Draco.'

Alice and Blaise exchanged looks. They were the only ones whose families weren't invited to the big event. Blaise had told Alice he would be spending Christmas in France, with his mother. In secret, both of them agreed they would much rather share Christmas dinner with a mountain troll than with Draco's family.


Once on the train, Alice, Blaise and Daphne separated from the group and found their own compartment. Hogwarts Express wasn't as full as it was on the first of September, so they moved freely along the corridors.

'I don't get it,' muttered Blaise, once they found an empty compartment. 'Draco isn't so bad when you talk to him face-to-face, you know? We get along when he's not surrounded by people.'

They used the Levitating Charm to make their trunks fly up to the luggage rack (something they hadn't thought they'd be able to do one day), and slumped onto their seats. Soon, the train began to move, sighing and puffing thick clouds of steam.

'Draco's a show-off,' said Daphne. 'He always has been. When you really get to know him, he's nice and stuff, but whenever he's in a group – it's a different story. Trust me, I've known him since I was little.'

'What was it like,' asked Blaise, 'growing up with them?'

Daphne shrugged.

'Pansy's changed since coming to Hogwarts,' she said, looking out the window as they passed Hogsmeade station. 'She wants to impress Draco, I think. We used to be good friends, the four of us. Theodore, Pansy, Draco and I.'

Alice and Blaise listened to her intently. Daphne was quiet for a bit, and then resumed, 'You know about the Sacred Twenty-Eight, right?'

They nodded.

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