Beach Days (kidfic)

Start from the beginning

"Hold it, Haz!" Louis said, catching up to the boy. "We need to be nice to your brother, okay?" 

"Fine. So does that mean no tickles?" Harry sighed.

Louis smiled, "we'll see about that." Harry's face lit up and he ran up the stairs.

He walked to Niall's door and pushed it open slowly before running at the bed and jumping on Niall, who was still asleep. 

"Nini, wake up! It's beach day!" Harry squealed. 

"Harry, get out!" Niall yelled. 

Harry got scared at his brothers shout and started to cry before running out and jumping into Louis' arms. 

Louis was confused by the boy's tears. "What happened, Bug?" 

"Nini y-yelled at m-me!" He cried. 

"Why'd he yell at you?" Louis asked, although, he could guess the answer. Niall didn't always like Harry's wake ups in the morning and tis wasn't the first time it had happened. 

"I-I dunno," Harry hugged his daddy's neck. 

"Let's go talk to him, okay?" Louis asked gently. Harry nodded and buried his face in the crook of his Daddy's neck. 

"Niall?" Louis said, knocking on the door before pushing it open. 

Niall was sitting in bed staring at his phone, "Morning, Dad." He said without looking up. 

"Ni, why is your brother crying?" Louis asked. 

Niall put his phone down, he hadn't realized he had mad him cry and now he felt kind of bad. "He came in screaming and jumped on me," Niall told him. 

"Okay, he was just trying to wake you up but I'm going to talk to him too. You need to remember that Harry is little and gets excited and sometimes forgets people don't like to be woken up," Louis said and then turning to Harry said, "And, you, mister. You need to understand that Niall doesn't like to be jumped on in the morning and you need to keep your loud voices for outside, understand?" 

Harry nodded. "Good, now I think you should go apologize to your brother," Louis told him before setting him on the ground. 

Harry ran over to Niall's bed and threw his arms around him, "I so sorry I waked you up, Nini!" Then he kissed the tip of his nose which made Niall and Louis laugh. 

"It's okay, buddy. I'm sorry I yelled at you," Niall said. 

"It otay. But, Nini guess what!" Harry got excited again. 


"It beach day!" Harry shouted. 

Niall laughed, "Let's go get ready then."

"Yay!" Harry laughed.

"Not so fast you two. Niall, you go eat, Papa's got breakfast downstairs. And Harry, let's go get you dressed and pack up some toys." Louis told them.

"Yeah! Let's pack the dolphwin and the shovwle and the bucket!" Harry talked the whole way to his bedroom.

Louis managed to get him out of his shark onesie and change his pull up. Then, he got out a pair of green swim trunks and and navy blue t-shirt, some sandals with straps and his Minion bucket hat. He also packed some extra pull ups, sunscreen and a pair of shorts for later in a bag.

 He also packed some extra pull ups, sunscreen and a pair of shorts for later in a bag

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"Let's get dressed Haz," Louis said to the boy who was busy playing with toys in just his pull up.

Harry walked over to where Louis was standing and Louis helped him put on his clothes. "We go to the beach now?" Harry asked.

louis laughed, "not quite yet, Bug. Daddy and Papa and Nialler all need to get ready still."

Harry groaned at the news. "Can I go watch tv?" He asked. Louis nodded and Harry ran out of his room and plopped himself down in front of the tv to watch cartoons that hadn't been turned off earlier. Louis took this as an opportunity to go get ready himself. 

About an hour later, the other three were ready. "Where's Harry?" Liam asked.

"He was watching cartoons in the living room," Louis replied. 

"I'll go get him," Liam said. He walked into the living room and saw something he hadn't expected, Harry had fallen asleep. Liam chuckled and called Louis into the room.

Louis cooed when he saw the boy, fast asleep. "That's what waking up at 6:30 does to you."

"Hazza, Baby. Time to get up," Liam sang softly. 

Harry slowly opened his eyes and rubbed them with the backs of his fists. "We go to beach now?" He asked sleepily. 

Louis laughed, "yep, we're going to the beach now." It was as if those were magic words to wake him up because as soon as he heard it he was off the couch and waiting at the door.

Everyone piled into the car and Liam drove. 

"We gonna go swim in the water, Nini," Harry told Niall while he swung his feet against his booster seat.

"Yep, we are, Haz," Niall replied. 

"Papa?" Harry asked. 

"Yes, Bubba?" Liam replied.

"Is sharks living in the water?" Harry asked, sounding nervous.

"Of course not." Liam said, "Sharks only live in big places, not the lake."

"Otay, good," Harry sighed, sounding relieved. Louis and Liam chuckled.

The rest of the ride went like this, Harry asking when they would be there, Niall sleeping to drown out Harry's chattering, Louis telling Harry they would be there soon and Harry asking Liam if he was sure there were no sharks in the water. 

When they finally got there, Harry started squirming in his seat because he couldn't get out of it himself. Liam helped him out and then grabbed his hand before he could start running. "We all need sunscreen first, Bub." Liam told him. 

"Why," Harry groaned.

"Because, if you don't wear it we won't be able to stay here very long," Liam told him. Harry still didn't want to wear it but Louis rubbed it on him against his will.

When the sunscreen was on and everything was set up in their spot in the sand, Louis, Niall and of course, Harry, went to the water and Liam stayed on the beach. 

"Okay Haz, you've got you life jacket on so you won't sink," Louis told him. 

"Otay, lets swim Daddy!" Harry replied excitedly. 

All the boys went in the water. Of course, Harry started a water fight with Niall and then they both teamed up against Louis, Liam watching the whole thing and laughing from the beach. 

After three hours of swimming, everyone got hungry. They had packed a picnic basket full of drinks, crisps, sandwiches and other sweet things. Harry ate a peanut butter and jam sandwich with a grape juice box. After they were all done eating, they passed around the football a while. 

Two hours later, Harry went and lied down on on of the beach towels and fell asleep right away and that was cue for the other three to get packed up and head for home. Louis gently picked up Harry and placed him in his seat, he was obviously tired because he didn't stir through the whole ordeal. 

When they got home, Harry was still asleep so Liam carried him inside and rested him on the couch to sleep while they made dinner. 

It was a great day for all the boys and Harry definitely wanted to go back soon, tomorrow to be exact. 


I feel like the end was rushed but I hope this was okay. If you want another one with more time at the beach I can do that.

- L :)

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