Chapter 8: The Hunt for Nick and Krist

Start from the beginning

The kiss was electrifying. I could feel the Fire works that every single true lover in a romance novel said you would feel .

After a few couple of seconds we pushed away .

Both of us were blushing crazy .

I could tell that krist was feeling the fire works from the Kiss too.

We made eye to eye contact and we were about to kiss again.

All of a sudden there was a loud BANG !

And then there was a sound of glass breaking .

It took a few seconds but I realized someone shot at us .

Thankfully I was alright but most importantly Krist was hopefully alright as well .

I look at her to see if she was alright .

But what I saw horrified me .

She was laying on the floor with blood staining her cloths and she wasn't taking or moving .

She was ...........

.........Dead ...........

I had immediate tears in my eyes and I screamed her name and yells at her to please wake up .

She didn't respond .

I checked her pulse . Nothing .....

No pulse .....

Just as I was about to give up I felt a faint pulse .

She was alive !!!!

I searched her wound where she was shot and thankfully it was her arm only and that's why she passed out from shock.

I quickly grab her bridal style and run out of the place just as another shot went off , fortunately it missed .

Alex's  POV :

God dammit !!

I missed !!

But I think I got the girl , but that nick Gallagher tied something around her arm so that means she's alive as well .

Well they won't survive for long ...

I quickly run after them .

Where did they go ?

I quickly notice two figures at the bear corner of the building and I quickly take my grenade and throw it towards them .

It blows up and they are reduced to ashes .

I look at the exploded place and realize they were only statues .

All of a sudden I hear the faintest movement and sound  behind me .

It sounded like a gun .

I quickly duck just as a shot went off .

I looked at he person who shot me and it was a boy , I couldn't see his face because of the darkness .

But it was sure as hell nick Gallagher .

What's funny is because i was wearing my mask . I would remove my mask and show him my face and talk like a man but that would ruin my serial killer mask MO.

I introduce myself as Alex dangerman aka Allison's brother .

Nick had a change of emotion . Even though I couldn't see his face I could tell that he was glaring at me .

I try to push him and say how muck Allison enjoyed killing Aidan as how Aidan died .

This caused nick to go insane and he fired multiple shots at me but me being the badass I am dodged all of them .

I took out my own gun and shot towards his direction as well .

In no time we were having a gun fight .

I shot again and I realized I only have one bullet left .

I smirk as an idea forms in my  head .

Nick's POV :

Jesus this Alex guy is good , I will give him that , he tried to make me falter when he mentioned Aidan and that did work but I composed myself .

This guy was also wearing a creepy mask .

Shit I was out of bullets but Alex doesn't know that .

I see that Alex too ran out of bullets and I smirk .

I go towards him and he raised his hands in surrender , all of a sudden he fired at me and the bullet went straight through my gut .

I coughed up blood .

Alex stood where he was and he took out a big ass knife and he slowly cane towards me and I could practically feel his blood lust .

Just as he was about to come closer , Krist had managed to gain back her consciousness and she had sneakily went behind Alex and slammed a piece of wood on his back .

Alex fell to the ground and he grunted .

But it was far from over .  Krist helped me up and we sped walk towards the jet and we went inside and Krist took off but not before we heard Alex coming towards the jet and throwing his knife at it .

Krist took off and set the plane in auto pilot mode .

She immediately went towards me , and thankfully she knew her biology so she was able to take the bullet out without killing me .

She patched me up with the medical kit on the plane and then herself and within a few hours we were safe from dying .

I thanked her and she thanked me . It was a mutual appreciation.

We heard the Russian radio turn up and Krist immediately went to check it .

She put it on speaker and the person on the other end said : "The Light to base , we are still battling TSO USA as we speak but it's too soon to determine which one of us will win" there were also background noises of guns and bombs .

The man said that the battle was going on somewhere in the mountains of USA .

Guess we know where to go now.


Authors note :
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See you soon ,

Bye !

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