11.) Character Profile: Lucian Michaelis Morten

Start from the beginning

Eric died being shown the sun, his immortality didn't save him, Hans got into this aristocrat's ear and told him to stand against Lilith. This is only a solid hypothesis, though. What would cause the queen to commit to the absence unless there was someone else there? I am led to believe that maybe the vampire who attacked was convinced to overthrow the queen. Writing this down, it makes even more sense and now that I think about it, Hans may have planned for something more dangerous. Killing me while I was human would have sent her over the edge. This also leads to why Lucian would have been permanently disillusioned by the aristocrats and for him to think that I was a threat to her.

As I've spent years with Lucian, I have learned that he treats me like a brother before that, he treated me more like family than anyone who first met me. It was only after mother told him everything that he changed his disposition which leads me to believe that Lucian is a very trusting man unless you prove him otherwise.

End of Personality Analysis Part 2

After further studying and looking into Lucian's personality over the last few months, I also learned that Lucian has no qualms, about protecting his family. Lucian has no problem with killing anyone who stands in his way but he also has no problem, protecting people he considers family. One of the most recent examples was when he stood with me while I was trying to kill Hans. Lucian fought tooth and nail to help me breakthrough, Lucian was also the one who protected me. His fighting style leaves a lot for you to question, he is both elegant and brutal on the battlefield. The same kind of brutality I've seen before, this brutality was on a scale that I've never seen.

Lucian did not mind killing as many as he did but he also went out of his way to enjoy the battle, something I didn't think he would do. Amidst all the chaos of the battle, I felt Lucian's thoughts. Lucian's mind was screaming more, Lucian wanted more. As we were breaking through enemy lines, as we were decimating every vampire, as we were cutting everyone down, he wanted more. When I saw him unleash in the battle, he did not stop. When I told him to stand with me to kill Hans, he not only stood with me but he killed any enemy who got in my way.

His fighting style is best classified as a pure berserker. He has impressive regeneration, something that seems to run in the family. I am told, we heal up to 3 times faster then other vampires. I can only imagine how much stronger or weaker my other vampires are, this healing seems to be a good trait as compared to others. This was not also factoring in our different physical systems altogether, this was also in comparison to the Classes of the vampires. One thing I did learn though was that some vampires are much stronger than what we believe and some can specialize in regeneration and or healing. When Lucian's arm was cut off, I saw him regrow another arm in a matter of moments.

When Kaoru got cut, his face regenerated instantly. When I take damage, it takes me a few minutes to a few hours to heal, never really seconds though I will say is I've taken in a lot of skills and gotten stronger, I have only ever realized that I do not specialize in regeneration. My specialties lie in being able to attack and enter my beserker state. My regeneration only takes place when I'm in my limit breaker state whereas his only improves. He is not only strong enough to sustain that berserker state but his berserker state is also incredibly versatile, the fact that he contains a cognitive mind, something that is apparently a rarity among berserkers.

Berserker when they lose their tempers, it was hard for them to come back. Lucian almost always stops himself from losing himself in that state entirely. When I asked him about it years ago, he told me he killed someone he loved when he was enraged, he told me that's how a lot of berserkers control themselves. They eventually kill someone they love or they eventually hurt someone close, Lucian not only killed someone he loved but he had to keep fighting after he did it. How long has he been a berserker is what I was thinking, when did he become a pure berserker and when did he realize he had to control himself and why does it take killing for them to know that they've gone too far?

I can only imagine that this is much more dangerous than I thought. Is this what happens when I get too enthralled in my limit breaker? I pretend that the classification is berserker but the truth of the matter is that I'm in complete control of my action. Maybe the best way to immobilize him is when he's in his beserker rage. Lucian is a dangerous adversary and an even more dangerous opponent. The only way to properly deal with someone like Lucian is to stop them before they get started or stop them when they're in their bloodlust state.

Lucian is not only a strong person but he's also incredibly wise. He'll protect his family and place his trust in you. Lucian is a genuinely good individual whereas most are now. Lucian has spent years, watching humanity grow so he will protect you if he believes in you but if you betray his trust, you may never gain it again. Lucian is a good man but Lucian has been through so much.

End of Personality Analysis Part 3

I will need extra help from Jeane as she is a psychiatrist and she is qualified in the matter. For now, I will worry about that later. I must prepare to go to the church.

End of Chapter 11.) Character Profile: Lucian Michaelis Morten

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