09.) Vampires and Humans

Beginne am Anfang

I told them as much as I could, I think to myself. I told them everything I knew, I told them everything I didn't want to tell them. We even have family therapy sessions sometimes, we had to hire another therapist but he's good at his job and he is someone that Lilith trusts personally. Melchior was a good therapist, he also defused a lot of problems. The problem is that I couldn't tell them how entrenched I was with Zamiel, I couldn't tell them how much of a grip she had on me and what makes things even worse, I can't use my time stop ability often. I only use it to save my family or when I need to create a distraction but for now, it is something that I don't use often. It is a danger to everyone around me, to be honest. The second I use it is the second they'll feel it, they'll feel like something's off or out of place. Such a strong ability and such wide effects can be devastating. I do use it with my enhanced speed, though but now I try to keep it in a limited range of a room.

"No Lucian. I serve a purpose but it has nothing to do with my family. I was assured that by her," 'And your abnormal strength?' "Well, everyone said I was a late bloomer and the fact that I was brought back to life must have given me a lot more years than I'd like to say. I know I'm quite strong now but I'm not stronger than you. Hell, I'm barely stronger than Fu," 'But you're definitely stronger than Jebadiah,' Lucia says behind me. "Well, you guys see it. I was going to get more powerful. I'm fine with being more powerful but I'm not as powerful as you can. I just force myself to go overdrive and that's how I get it done,"

Lucian then drops it as he then begins to mentally beat himself up. He didn't want to talk about this, it was clear. I didn't, it's not every day you have a sibling that's exponentially stronger than you and you have no idea why. You don't know if you can believe them or not but I know that Lucian trusts me and I know that my power isn't that much greater than his. The problem is that I can't control it sometimes, it's beginning to spiral out of me. They told me it took me years to suppress their aura, sometimes it can take centuries to suppress it. Only gifted telekinetics can suppress theirs. I was much stronger than that. I even had access to telekinesis, something I didn't even think I would have access to.

I can make weak barriers and enhance my punches mildly, but I would slow down quite a bit. I also could lift objects but not much, I usually use it to close in quickly, especially if I'm running out of steam. 'Also Apollos wanted to ask me something,' Lucia walks in front of me. I noticed that Lucian was wearing a black suit and Lucia was wearing a black blouse with a white skirt. Her black heels only added to her 6-foot demeanor and her black stockings clearly showed she was here for business. 'What did you want to ask me, Apollos?' I feel myself beginning to relax as I begin to say, "I need help, learning how to wield a sword. I want to better myself in close quarters combat,'

Lucian smiles as he says, 'Really now? You avoid fighting me for two days because you want to get good in close quarters,' I could see Lucian's face already getting annoyed, and then he has a smug smile. I don't know if I should be happy that he's over this already or that he's on to something new. 'Well, I'm not too good with swords,' "Bullshit," I say, 'I'm not. To be honest with you, I just use a sword because I like the style in combat,' Was this man serious? I think to myself. He remains me of that mad bastard in World War II, there was a rumor going around that he had a bow and arrow. What would I give to see that? But I did see it, Lucian could kill quite efficiently and quickly. Sometimes he would deflect bullets and dodge them, other times, he would just simply take them straight to the body.

I've never seen Lucia fight but I hear her blade work was next to none. We both nod as we say, 'This is interesting. You want to learn about blade work," I nod with her, 'And you want me to teach you about blade work?' I nod again at her, 'And not only that, you want to learn how to use a double-edged sword,' "Yeah," 'Do you want Kaoru to teach you anything?' She asks, "I want you both to teach me," I say, being honest," I know you both can teach me, there's going to be a time when I'm going to have to use a weapon. We're all going to have to do it," She nods and says, 'Well that makes sense. I'll teach you on one condition. You have to help me defeat the sanctuaries in Europe,' Lucian then gets angry, 'Not that shit again,'

'Yes again, Lucian,' she says, angrily, 'Those sanctuaries are for vampires and humans. They need to be protected. If they let themselves get robbed and ransacked by a bunch of rogue werewolves and mercenaries, they all deserve it. They get the aid of the UN and the fact that their country has been rebuilt and is beautiful now. The reason why they're even being attacked is that they're in a secluded area. We even paid to have those areas moved and relocated into better cities for them. In the cities where they would benefit greatly in helping humans and vampires, but instead, they go out there in the middle of nowhere,' I nod, "Is that what you want to protect? Those churches?"

'Not only that. To get some information, too. Somebody's been watching you and we need to know why. We'll have plenty of things to deal with in the next six months but for right now, you need to get ready, We're protecting those churches now,'

~~~One Week Later

The flight to Europe was a pain in the ass but now we're here. I'm a foreigner in a small town, it looks so much better in Europe now that the war is over. Though there are still soldiers around, this small town though was different. There were guards here but they were all Royal Guards, right now we are cycling them out. I bought my Royal Guards because we needed to change station for a few months. This was where I was going to be for the next few months, a place where humans know of vampires. Not only am I going to be here for a few months, but this must be a place I can defend.

End of Chapter: Vampires and Humans

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