C h a p t e r N i n e t e e n

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"(y/n), do you have anything to add?" asked the coach.

"Well I think we still need to work on our receiving but when it comes to blocking I would say we are pretty good. Kenma, you did a great job throwing their blockers off, especially that Tsukishima guy. So from one setter to another, you did great today. Yaku, you got almost all of the balls that were spiked today. You've got skills, and please help Lev. You two definitely showed the most skill today but everyone did great. Just keep working hard and I took notes on more things from today if you want any help." you finished and everyone thanked you before going back home.

Like usual you went with Lev. "So how was I today." he broke the silence.

"I'll tell you if you carry me." you joked but he stepped in front of you and bent down for a piggy back ride. "I was joking but ok." you hopped on and he continued to walk.

"Well for starters your spikes were really on point today. I can tell how hard you've been working. And I was really impressed with your blocking but you still hold your hands too far apart. You can probably get Kuroo to help you with that." you put your face in the crook of his neck. "You amaze me every day Lev, you really do." you could feel yourself drifting off to sleep and the last thing you heard was a quiet 'thank you'.

You were asleep on Lev's back. He didn't want to wake you up so he took the chance of running into your sister and knocked on the door. Your father opened it, "Hi sir, (y/n) is asleep so would it be ok if I took her to her room?" That was the first time Lev ever saw him smile.

"Go ahead." Lev quietly took off his shoes and you father took off yours. He went up to your room and gently laid you down. He took your blanket and covered you so you would be warm.

When he walked out of your room he was greeted by a very pissed off (s/n).

"Habia." she crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry." Lev bowed and explained himself. "I know you don't like me, but I was walking home with her because I know how dangerous it can be at night. She wanted me to give her a piggyback ride so I did but then she fell asleep and she had a long day so I didn't want to wake her up. I'm sorry for overstepping the boundaries."

"Stand up. You look pathetic." he did as she said. "Look kid. Maybe you aren't as bad as I thought, but that doesn't mean you can come into my house whenever you want. And if you ever hurt her I'll make you pay, do you understand?"


"Good now go home."

"Thank you." he left and your sister smiled to herself. 'He really does care about her, that brat' she took herself to bed and called it a night.

The next morning you woke up with your gym clothes still on. You went to the kitchen and asked your sister what happened last night.

"Well your new boyfriend put you to bed." she walked past you and said it loud enough for your mom to hear.

"Boyfriend?" she ran to you, "you have a boyfriend! Is it Lev!" She looked way too excited.

"No I don't. (s/n) just said that because she's annoying."

"Well just so you know if you want to date him that ok." your mom winked at you.

You grabbed your phone and found Lev's number then called him.

"Good morning!" he was as happy as could be.

"Morning, I just wanted to thank you for last night."

"Oh it was nothing. Did you sleep ok?"

"Ya, but how did you not get mauled by my sister?"

"Well I think she's starting to warm up to me."

"Is that so? Tell me more." you ran to your room and listened to him ramble about how he was scared for his life but got away with it.

"Hmm, I guess she is." you smiled every time you heard his voice, his laugh was so contagious.

"Oh and do you have any plans today? You should come over."

"I'll ask."

(a/n) hehehehehe

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