C h a p t e r E i g h t

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"Good morning sleepy head!" you could feel someone gently shaking you as a pathetic attempt to get you out of bed. "It's noon and we need to go shopping." you groaned.

"Get out of my face (s/n)." you rolled over and tried to ignore her but she only shook you more.

"Oh come on! We need to go to the mall, I haven't been yet!" you covered your head with a pillow, "and don't you want me to wear something cute when I go on a date with Kuroo?" you slowly sat up and glared at her.

"Since when are you dating Kuroo?" you finally stood up and walked to your closet.

"Well we actually aren't but it would be great if we did! And you can tell me more about him today."

"Fine, but I don't know much. And I have to get ready so get out." she nodded and walked out of the room, you got dressed and cleaned up in the bathroom, then walked to the front door. Your sister was already waiting with the car keys and the two of you went to the mall.

"Soooo... is he still as charming as he used to be?" your sister asked about Kuroo.

"For me no, but for you and your low standards. Yes."

"Just so you know, my standards aren't low. He is a very kind, and handsome, and respectful, and strong, and-"

"Oh my god shut up I'm gonna be sick." you pretend to gag and she poked you in the ribs.

"At least I'm trying to get a partner. You've never even liked anyone! Boy or girl!" she led you into a store and began to look at dresses.

"I mean. That's not true." a blush flew across your face so you ran over to a different rack.

"What do you think about this?" your sister helt up a royal blue dress to herself.

"Ok, you would look really good in that." you did enjoy making fun of her but she did have a good style.

"Ok! I'll get it!" she checked out and asked, "why aren't you looking at anything?"

"I don't need anything, I'm just here for you." that was true but at the same time a nap sounded really good.

"Aww thanks!" she gave you a quick side hug and ran into another shop. The few hours that you were there was just her dragging you around and spending her money with the occasional question about Kuroo or how school was. Thankfully the two of you went home and had a small dinner. You went to your room and went over your notes for the volleyball team so you would be able to help them out the next day during morning practice. 

(a/n) I'm sorry this was a filler and that it was super short. I don't want this to be one of those stories that has the love interest pop up every five seconds. 

Ok wait, so let me explain something really fast. The way that I write is I actually finish the whole thing then start to post it, this is because I know if I don't I'll end up never finishing. So my dumb self never realized that I COULD JUST PUT THE GOOGLE DOC INTO A DOUBLE SPACED THING AND HAVE IT AUTOMATICALLY NOT ALL BE ONE PARAGRAPH WHEN I PASTE IT INTO WATTPAD

So ya... I am very smart. And the other chapters are all messed up so I might go back and fix it soon. Oh and thanks for actually reading this! Love yall <3 <3

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