C h a p t e r S i x t e e n

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As soon as Lev was out of sight he stopped jogging and a huge grin slapped on his face. 'I did it, I finally kissed her. And she liked it. But what if she didn't, what if she was pretending she did so I didn't feel bad?' When he thought of that he began to sprint home.

When he got in the door he realized that he didn't have his shoes. He had to call you.

*bzz bzz bzz* *bzz bzz bzz*

You answered and left your family.

"What's up?"

"I left my shoes, they're by your door."

"Crap, you're lucky nobody saw when they walked in. I can't do anything right now. That would be suspicious. No, no, no I got it. I'll say that I left something in the gym at school but I'll just bring you your shoes."

"Sounds like a plan. Text me when you leave."

"Ok I will." You hung up and told your family that you forgot your volleyball notebook at the gym and you had to go. You grabbed your bag and put his shoes in it then ran out the door. You got lucky that your family believed you.

You texted him and made your way over. When you got there to your surprise Alisa opened the door and dragged you in.

"Umm hi?"

"Why is my brother so happy? Please for the love of god tell me what you did." You blushed and gave her no response.

"Please he won't tell me." She shook you, "I need to know"

"Ok, ok but I need to give him his shoes." You ran up to his room and told him that you left his shoes at the front he said thanks and you went back to his sister.

"Sooo, what did you do." She winked at you.

"Something. Shouldn't Lev tell you?"

"Ya but he won't" you sighed.

"Ok fine. He kissed me." She opened her mouth staring at you in awe.

"Oh my god. I need the details please!" She begged.

"Have him tell you. I need to go." You ran out the door and heard Alisa screaming for her brother. You laughed and went home.

"Did you find it?" Your mom asked. You nodded and put your bag in your room then finished the movie with them.

"He's pretty even when he's dead." Your mom started crying and you were wheezing.

"Simp." Your sister teased. You erupted into laughter Kuroo style.

When the movie was over your dad and sister went to bed and you stayed on the couch with your mom.

"So how was Lev. Oh and why was he here?" She asked.

"He's good but we had to study."


"By the way. We have a practice game against Karasuno next Saturday so I was wondering if you would take me and Lev to the school at like 5."

"No that's when I have to be at work. But your dad can take you."

"Mom no, he doesn't even know Lev and I don't want him to hate him."

"He won't. Lev is a very kind young man, it's going to be ok."

"Fine I'll ask him tomorrow."

For the next week you and Lev never talked about the kiss or him sneaking out. You ended up telling Yaku but only because he noticed you were staring at Lev more than usual. Of course he flipped his lid like the mother he is but you managed to convince him that it was ok. Kuroo started to catch on to the idea that you and the middle blocker liked each other but he never said anything.

As expected Kenma noticed very quickly but didn't care one bit. He could notice Lev looking at you whenever he made a point or did anything remotely good.

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