"Paperwork? Don't I have to meet them and all? I mean have they even met me?" I questioned.

"Yes they have but I have high hopes for this. Time is passing by and you have to jump on an opportunity when it presents itself." I nodded my head while looking down. "You look like you had something on your mind, what is it?"

Almost forgot.

"Oh, um I was going to ask you, have you heard from the couple that are interested in Hayden?"

"The McCoys, no I haven't. I told him to keep his sexuality a secret but I guess he didn't listen. They were so ecstatic that day, then that night, didn't hear anything." She sighs, about to walk away.

"Mrs. B! Do you know what's for dinner?"

"Chi— she was cut off by Joey screaming hysterically while holding his arm.

"Miss Beesley! I burned myself!" He cried hysterically. This little boy deserves an Oscar.

"Oh my goodness!" I took that opportunity to slip away from the conversation and sneak into the office. McCoy family, McCoy family, McCoy family, I thought while rummaging through the files. I had no luck and cursed myself mentally. Then I went to the computer that was thankfully unlocked.

I went searching through every file on there and was unlucky again. "Shit!" I turned around and rested my head on the desk in defeat. How could she get anything done in this mess!? She had paper scattered everywhere on her desk but one caught my eye. A letter, requesting a day out with Hayden.

"Blah, blah Hayden Bradford. We will take good care of him and if you need to reach us, you can from (232)-010-7650 or (232)-010-7491. Our address is 262 Maple Drive." I read to myself. I got a sticky note and copied the address. I stuff it in my pocket before sneaking out of the office, waving at Joey.

"Thank you for parpating in my acting exercise, this is make-up. See?" I wanted to laugh at how he butchered the word but refrain from doing so. He rubbed his arm and the deep red and black eyeshadow rubbed off on his thumb.

"You kids will be the death of me." Mrs. Beesley said before heading to her office. I didn't bother informing Hayden because he's been cooped up in his room all day and I didn't want to disturb him. So with the McCoy's address in my pocket, I was off.


The bus ride was so long but it finally stopped in the suburban area. 

"Where's my bus pass?" I looked back to see one of the passengers looking under the seats for the missing card. I stuffed it deeper into my pocket before hoping off.

258, 259, 261, 262! Just a moment ago I was feeling invincible and now I'm about to break into a sweat. This is the right thing to do, I kept trying to convince myself.  This could go either two ways. They can admire my determination and loyalty or they can close the door in my face. "To hell with the debating." I said to myself, pressing the round button. 

After waiting for about five minutes, I sigh to myself saying this is a bad idea ready to turn around.

"Hello?" I stopped mid way and stared at the creamy skinned woman with short platinum blonde hair.

"H-hi, my name is RoseMarie. I'm from Beehive's Children Group Home."

"How did you get all the way out here?" The woman seemed astonished.

"I rode the bus." I swallowed. "I'm here on the behalf of Hayden Bradford."

"Honey, who's at the door?" Seconds later, the man joined her side.

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