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*The words have been written in bold and the meanings in italics to make your reading easier. These words will be used in the book. This glossary is for reference purposes.

*The words below, were gotten straight off my head. I defined them based on what I've learnt and what I know. I hope you learn something new:)


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Ewedu: a local Nigerian dish from the Yoruba tribe. Mostly served with Amala, another yoruba dish.

¹|Baba: normally used by the Yoruba tribes to mean 'father'.

²|Baba(slang): used amongst friends to initiate humor most times. Could also mean "mister".

³|Mumu: idiot or fool in pidgin.

|Agbo: a Yoruba drug made of roots and herbs, believed to cure various illnesses. Malaria included.

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